Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,75

That's how we're going to make this case."

"And he'll never see daylight again," Agent Dalton agreed.

Chapter 26

Agent Dalton was most impressed with how fast Jason had gotten verifiable information. It proved that his network was working. It also convinced the man to entrust Jason's "team" with tracking down as many of the lower-level KoG members as possible. Naturally, he called Ruin first. Knock was all in, which meant the entire group would be.

One by one, men were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism, accessory to various crimes, or with the crimes they'd actually done. The list was growing by dozens a day, and it didn't take long before the media picked it up. That led to Jason getting called in to talk to the Deputy Assistant Director. He and Bradley arrived in Alexandra Watt's office at the appointed time, but neither had any idea of what was coming.

"You can go on in," the receptionist said.

Jason rapped at the door and then stepped through with Bradley on his heels. Behind a highly-polished wood desk was a middle-aged Black woman. Her skin was a pale bronze, her hair was cut in a short bob, her suit was crisp and red, and her smile appeared to be the friendly kind, yet she still looked powerful. This was the type of woman who made and broke careers.

"Agents Raige and Matthews, I assume?" she asked, walking around with her hand out.

Jason accepted first, not surprised at all that she had quite a firm grip. "Jason Raige, ma'am."

"Bradley Matthews," his partner confirmed.

"I'm Alex," she said, gesturing to the chairs. "Please, sit. It seems the pair of you have both impressed Isaiah Dalton. The Director is thrilled that he no longer looks like an idiot, but can instead say that we're merely closing a long investigation. That means the President is no longer on his ass."

Jason chuckled. "Never mind the hundreds of women who are a little safer online right now."

"That too," Alex agreed. "I have to say, I might even let my daughter play those games now. And I thought Facebook was bad enough." She leaned back in her chair and steepled her fingers before her. "So all of this makes you heroes. The Bureau owes you both. The question is, what you want to do with this?"

"Ma'am," Bradley said, "you should know that Jason was offered a job during the investigation. His dream job, ma'am."

"It's just Alex," she assured him. "Unlike both of you, I didn't start in the military, so I'm a little slow with my sirs. I also prefer the use of my first name. It feels a bit less antiquated, to me." Then she looked at Jason. "Can I ask what job?"

He shot Bradley a warning look. "Game development with Deviant Games. I understand that I would not be able to even consider it until the case is closed."

"More pay, huh?" Alex teased.

Jason chuckled once. "It's actually not that, ma'am. The company also offered my fianc茅e a contract job. It appears that our finances have improved rather drastically. It's more that, like so many other dorky little boys, I fell in love with video games young and always dreamed of being the one to make them."

"And you, Bradley?" she asked. "What would you prefer to be doing?"

He had to clear his throat. "Well, while I'd hate to lose my partner, I'm at that age where working in the field has lost a bit of its appeal. I'd much prefer to manage a unit or division. My goal would be Section Chief, ma'am."

"Mm," she said, smiling just a little too much. "So is there any way we can convince you to stay, Jason?"

He glanced at Bradley in confusion, only to find Bradley looking back the same way. "Ma'am?" Jason asked. "I'm sure you've read my file."

And Alex's lips curled. "You do know you could've tried to slide out of that and just said you were insistent on the job, right?"

"I also know exactly what the FBI is capable of," he assured her. "There's no way you'd have this talk with us without reading our files first."

"Touch茅," she agreed. "So, let me cut the bullshit. The Bureau wants you. Your file says you're a threat out there in the wilds of civilian life. Agent Dalton, however, has made a recommendation that for the sake of your health, we need to reconsider your assignments. He's made quite the case, too." She sighed and leaned forward to drop her arms on the desk. "Jason, can I Copyright 2016 - 2024