Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,185

to do whatever you need to." Then she turned him back. "Think about it. That's all I'm asking. Give me a week before you make your decision - at least. Longer is perfectly fine. Just think about it - and talk to Zara."

"Who would we report to?" Bradley asked. "Agent Dalton? Is he being promoted as well?"

"No," Alex said. "Agent Dalton is staying with the domestic terrorism unit. You both will be working in Cyber Crimes, a new division, and you, Bradley, will report to me. If Jason takes the position, he'll report to you. No leash."

"And what do you get?" Jason asked.

She smiled. "I'm going to eventually become the next Director of the FBI. Maybe I'll go into politics. No idea, and it won't be for years. Right now, my goal is just to make sure that someone in the Bureau can do exactly what you've done with this case - without waiting eight years before your hands are unbound." She canted her head toward the door. "And you'd better get to the hospital before your wife is released. Both of you, because I know you're worried too, Bradley, and the rest of the gamers were already sent that way. Go. We'll talk next week."

Jason headed to the stairs, lugging his gun case in one hand, and Crysis followed on his other side. Bradley trailed behind him down the stairs and across the hall, but once they were in the elevator, he moved to stand beside Jason. At first, he didn't say anything.

Then, halfway down, he said, "Are you going to take it? The job, I mean? Deviant will pay a lot more, and I know this has been destroying you."

Jason just nodded slowly. "It has, but she's also right, you know." The elevator reached the bottom, but when they stepped off, Jason turned to Bradley. "If I wasn't an agent today, what do you think would've happened to Zara?" Because the images were still haunting his mind.

"Another sniper would've been up on that roof," Bradley assured him.

Jason just lifted a brow. "Really?"

And Bradley pushed out a dry laugh. "That was the best I had. I am not going to pressure you to stay with the Bureau, Jason. I happen to think you're one of the best agents I've ever worked with, and I'm actually kinda sad that you won't be my partner anymore, but I get it. Getting out has been your dream, and you can always call on me for a favor. Always, Jason. None of that is a reason to stay in."

"No, but Zara said something to me after the shooting at UNY-N." He paused to drag his free hand over his mouth. "I was losing control, Bradley. I was so convinced I was a monster, and I told her to get away before I hurt her. You know what she did? She picked up my photos and began to throw them across the room, breaking the glass and frames in the process. She asked if I knew where Riley would be right now. Dead. Where she would be. Dead. Murder? Dead. Where they'd all be if I hadn't taken the shot, stepped in, or been a fucking agent when someone needed me to be. I can't do that as a game developer!"

"No, but you can give them another safe space," he countered. "One that is better for you."

Jason just turned to the door and started walking again. "We both know I'm not going to."

"Then I'll make sure you get assigned to whichever team you want," Bradley swore, "but I have a condition."

"Name it," Jason demanded.

"That you tell me when you're cracking. Off the record, and between partners, ok? I will do everything I can to help, but you have to tell me when you need it."

"I can do that," Jason promised.

"Oh," Bradley said, clearly thinking of something else. "And talk to Zara. Make sure your fucking wife is on board with this."

"She will be," Jason assured him. "She always has been. Zara fell in love with an agent, and she knows this won't be easy, but she loves me because I'm willing to be a hero. Not just hers, but everyone's." He looked over, meeting Bradley's eyes. "And it makes all of this a lot easier to deal with."

"Yeah," he agreed. "That actually does."

Chapter 61

Everyone from the casino was taken to the hospital for a full check. The gamers and developers got back in the limo and followed them. Since Bradley still had Chance's SUV, Copyright 2016 - 2024