Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,184

You too, Bradley." Then she licked her lips. "I should also tell you that I've already filed the paperwork to reassign both of you with the assumption that this case would soon be closed."

"Where?" Jason asked.

"Bradley, I'm giving you exactly what you wanted. You will be promoted to Section Chief within the month. After watching you both work together, I think I will put Jason in your section."

For a long moment, Jason just stared at her. "So I'm still on a leash, huh?"

Alex pushed herself away from the door. "No. Part of the reason I came to Vegas was to let you know that your contract with the Bureau has concluded. I may have forgotten to mention that when I realized that you were all at your wits end. I didn't want to give you the option of becoming a vigilante."

"And I would've," Jason grumbled, knowing she was right. "When is this effective?"

"Well." She stepped closer. "I used your heroism at UNY-N, the numerous times you've been injured in the line of duty, and your deteriorating psychiatric evaluations to make it clear that we are doing more harm than good. I took that straight to the Director himself, and I refused to give up until he agreed. Jason, as of midnight on September first - so last Tuesday - you are no longer contractually obligated to remain an agent with the Bureau. Your agreement to avoid military court martial in exchange for service to your country has been fulfilled."

His breath rushed out. "So I can quit?"

She nodded. "You can. Or, you can take the reassignment I'd like to offer. The truth is that your record doesn't show what you're capable of. Jason, when I walked into that room, I saw an American hero. Not the kind that our government likes to put up on billboards, but the kind that can truly make a difference. I think that this case - more than anything else - proves just how weak law enforcement is with virtual criminology, but this is your world, and I would like to give you the chance to protect it."

"So, more work with the Cyber Division," he guessed.

She just shook her head. "No, I'm assigning Bradley to a unit that oversees our contracted specialists. White-hat computer and internet security advisors. Legalized hackers, Jason. He will work with multiple teams, and each team will need an FBI agent as their liaison. I would like to assign you to one of them."

"Me?" he asked. "You want me to work with hackers?"

She nodded. "I'm giving you that chance to make a real difference, like you wanted. No, it won't pay as much as working for Chance Hunter. It will, however, mean that all of your confidential informant agreements with these people are going to be renewed. I can't make any promises if I don't have the people to make this new division."

He reached down to pet Crysis's head, watching as the dog leaned into him and looked up with devoted eyes. "I'm not ok, Alex. I know how to pass the evals, but I am not mentally ok."

"I know," she said, stepping closer to grasp his shoulders. "I also know that Bradley understands you, and he has done amazing things to keep this case active and you on target. I also know that you deserve some fucking time off to get help. But I don't want you to walk away from all the good you can do because of how much the world has shit on you so far."

"Get a bigger shovel," Bradley told him. "That's what this is, Jason. A much bigger shovel."

Alex just rubbed both of Jason's arms. "Think about it. Talk it over with your wife. It's a waste to have your skills be assigned to credit card theft or espionage. We need someone who can handle the real domestic threats. The bad people out there who are operating right under our noses, the ones we can't keep up with. You once told me that you wanted to give people a safe space. I'm asking you to make the entire internet into that place."

"And my gun?" he asked.

"I've already recommended that you be taken off the primary rotation of emergency snipers. You will maintain the certification, though, and be authorized in the event that no one else is available." She gently turned him around so he could see the top of the casino. "Because when your team is in trouble, I want it to be legal for you Copyright 2016 - 2024