Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,153

for the worst, but the guy just smiled. "Um, HighFive. Not sure if you remember me?"

"Oh my god," she gasped, jumping out of her seat to hug the guy who'd been shot in her place last year. "You look great! And no, I didn't recognize you without the bruises!"

He hugged her back awkwardly. "Yeah. Um, I just wanted to tell you and Void good luck. Well, everyone, really." He tapped his chest. "I've got an impressive scar from it, but you saved my life, Q. And the prizes helped so much. I actually just started college because I can finally afford it, so... Yeah. I just figured everyone here deserved to know that you kinda changed my life."

"Good for you," Murder told him. "You know, I think Knock's team needs one more?"

"We do," Knock agreed. "Got a team, HighFive?"

"No way," the guy breathed. "I'm not as good as you."

"Me either," Cade assured him. "So, let's see if he and Ice can carry both of us through this."

"I'm so in. I mean, if you're sure and all."

"I'm sure," Knock promised. "We can be the kids' team."

Adam groaned. Cade rolled his eyes, but HighFive promised that he'd go log in and join up. One by one, they were all finalizing everything when Kate's watch went off. Letting out a deep sigh, she stood. That meant it was time. Rhaven just reached over, caught Kate's hand, and gave it a squeeze for reassurance.

"Good morning," Kate said as soon as she reached the microphone. "You people getting sick of me yet?"

"Get your fat ass off the stage!" some guy called out from the other side of the room.

Kate just lifted her middle finger at him. "I'll take that as a yes. Well, for those who haven't had the pleasure of my company yet, I'm Kate Gaskill, called Lithium in-game, and I'm here to represent Degrass Industries and all of these fine hotels. So, let me get the boring stuff out of the way first. There will be no food and drink in the gaming hall. Our computers are worth much more than your promises to not make a mess. Also, the emergency exits are on all walls, marked with a sign on the ceiling. Using them will set off an alarm, so if you want to smoke, go out the main door."

"And if we light up in here?" the asshole yelled again.

Kate closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Then the sprinkler system might be activated. Because all of you are here of your own volition, no one's computers would be replaced. You see, we looked into this recently when one of our hotels was targeted by an online terrorist group called the Kings of Gaming. They've put a hit on a few of us by name, and any woman who dares to play games. They burned down a hotel in Columbus, Ohio. They are serious, people, so if you'd like to change your mind, I suggest you withdraw from the tournament now, blame those assholes for destroying our one bit of fun, and ask for a refund. Degrass Industries will grant one for anyone checking out in the next hour. I think the PLG will reimburse all cancellations made through the end of today. And as for the team tournament..." She turned to the group behind her, which was a new game company. "You willing to refund them?"

"Sure will," a man said. "Anyone who withdraws before the first round starts, which is in about ten minutes."

"So," Kate told them, "there are your options. But if you choose to stay, just know that any hotel employee will help you if you feel threatened in any way. Physically, mentally, or anything else." Then she grabbed the edges of the podium and let her eyes scan the crowd. "I can only guess that a few of you think that the so-called Kings of Gaming have it right. Well, I say they're all pussies. You're scared of a few girls, but we girls? We're still here, and we're still going to kick your asses. So, who's the bigger man now, Soul Reaper?"

And with that, she turned and walked away. Part of Riley wanted to stand up and cheer for the speech. The other part was wondering if Kate had lost her fucking mind, because that was damned near a challenge, and this guy was crazy enough to take her up on it.

"Kate?" she warned when her friend sat down.

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