Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,152

went to see Elvis and did the same."

Dread turned and stood in a fluid motion to clasp Logan's shoulder. "Congratulations, man. About damned time." Then he looked at Riley. "You too, Q."

"Just the afterthought," she teased.

Dread laughed as he reclaimed his chair. "Nah. Just that I have a damned good idea of what Void's been going through trying to get a ring on your hand. Glad to see the untamable has at least been caught."

She smacked his arm playfully. "How are your girls?"

"Myst is talking about going back to work at the store with me because she's bored being home all day. Since she can bring Alice with her, I think we're going to try it out. I'm just worried about the baby getting sick from the customers and all. Um, besides that? I am a pro with diapers. Not too bad with a bottle, tolerable with onesies."

"Functional skills there," Void teased as he headed around the table. His assigned chair was right across from Riley, so he talked as he walked. "Also, there's going to be a third little one joining the virtual gang soon. Zara's expecting."

"When?" Dread asked.

"She's early," Void said, "But pretty sure they'd both love to hear that someone else is excited for them."

Riley just pointed her finger between the pair of them. "They say women are gossips. You two are horrible!"

"Family men," Dread assured her. "It's like the age of thirty rolls around and all that skirt chasing and day drinking stops sounding so good."

"Speak for yourself," Void joked. "I think I'll be chasing mine until I die. And day drinking is kinda par for the course at her house."

But Riley saw the next group walk in and realized she'd forgotten something else. "Oh, and um... Dread, be aware that Psyc and Rhaven are a thing. Rhaven and Braden are a thing. Braden and Psyc are not a thing, but they're cool with it."

The man simply turned to her and gaped in surprise. "What?"

"Don't know, haven't asked, but they're sharing a bed," Logan explained. But Riley flicked a finger behind him at the entrance, making it clear they were coming. Void just turned and smiled. "Taking your time this morning, huh? Get tangled in the blankets or something?"

"Sheets," Psyc said, claiming the chair on the other side of Dread.

Braden and Rhaven just headed further down Riley's side of the table. Rhaven took her place, leaving two seats between her and Riley. Braden had the chair beside her. Not long after, PBJ, the kid who'd been making his way up the ranks, sat beside Void. Everyone greeted him like a part of the team, but the truth was that no one knew much about him. He still played damned good, and for now, that was all that mattered.

Eventually, Zara and Murder showed up - lacking Cynister. Murder sat on the other side of Riley. Zara went beside Rhaven. Knock and Cade showed up only moments later. Soon enough, the entire table was full - except for Jason's empty seat, but he wasn't playing in the team event. Up and down the table, everyone was talking about their team assignments.

"So," Dread said, looking down at Murder. "Team Dad?"

"I'm so in," Murder said.

"Add me to that," Void said. "I mean, I'm a de facto dad of little Ryan, right?"

"Sure," Murder agreed. "Psyc? Wanna play on team Dad?"

Psyc just gestured to Knock. "You're not?"

"Playing with Cade," Knock explained. "Ice?"

"Sure," Adam said.

Riley just looked at the ladies. "Girl's team, right?"

"Yep," Rhaven said. Then, "Oh!" and she leaned over to whisper something in Zara's ear.

Zara nodded and got up, heading toward Riley. Rhaven just looked across the table at Kate and lifted her hand to shield her mouth. Kate nodded, giving a thumbs-up to make it clear she was all in. That was when Kate leaned in to tell Riley, "All medics."

Riley giggled. "I'm so in for that."

On the other side of her, the Dad Team - as they were proudly calling themselves - were discussing their own strategies. The whole thing was going to be a mess, and Riley had a feeling she wasn't the only one who hadn't slept well last night, but it didn't matter. Everyone at the high table had the reflexes to rank high enough that their sponsors would be happy. Those in their teams would be carried along by default.

Then a young man walked up to the end of the table, standing there like he was incredibly nervous. "QQ?" he asked. Riley looked up, bracing Copyright 2016 - 2024