Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,133

champagne. "Sounds like we all need a little of this. Adam? May want to send up a couple more bottles. My tab this time, because half the celebration is for you." And then she stepped closer to the group of people - something Dez rarely did. "Here's to not letting the world's shit drag us down, to finding happiness in the strangest places, and most of all, to always finding a way to make it work. Congratulations, Jason and Zara, on the wedding and the baby. Adam and Kate, on the engagement. Riley and Logan on finally making it official. Knock? You get one too for figuring out where you belong. Both the family and the fuck-fest." Then she looked over at Rhaven. "And to you, for living all of your truth, and accepting that it takes both guys to do it. Fuck Soul Reaper, and fuck the Kings of Gaming for wanting to stop us!"

"I'll drink to that!" Braden said, getting up to get a few glasses. "Fuck KoG and long live the gamers."

They all paused to make a toast, then to congratulate all of the happy couples personally. For the rest of the night, everyone milled around and the tension that had been building faded just a bit. Drinks changed from champagne to beer - or tequila for Riley - and mixed drinks for the girls.

Then keyboards began clicking again as they all got back to the one thing they simply couldn't forget. Somewhere out there, Soul_Reaper was taunting them, and they had to find him. And yet, not even that bastard could ruin so much good in such a short time. People laughed, hugged, and then they worked. Every so often, a laugh would break out. It wasn't unusual for someone to call out for help because they got stuck.

As the hours dragged on, Braden realized that it wasn't only the developers who were taking all of this seriously. The gamers worked just as hard. Oddly, he'd never really thought about it. They spent as much time at their desk as a developer, had to be just as driven to make progress, and were probably used to working while having their fun.

Tonight, the drunken revelry didn't make an appearance. The romance, however, was another story. Logan and Riley stole kisses every chance they could get. Kate stood behind Adam, leaning over with her arms wrapped around his neck while she read something on his screen. Even Dez and Chance were being cute.

It was comfortable and happy, but Rhaven only had eyes for Psyc. Ok, to be fair, he was helping her with something and she kept correcting whatever he was doing. Fucking cute, and the kind that made Braden's guts twist with fear. So, when his back began to protest sitting and typing for too long, he got up to find a beer, then leaned against the wall as he pretended to stretch his body out.

"Hey," Jeff said, dropping beside him to lean against the wall. Somehow Braden wasn't shocked. The guy always seemed to know when Braden needed a talk. "You honestly ok with Rhaven and Psyc?"

Braden nodded. "Ok's a good word."

Jeff caught his arm. "Say something to her."

"No," Braden said. "I told her to do this. I fucking hate the idea, but I know that if she doesn't, she'll always wonder, you know? Besides, he's kinda cute."

His friend chuckled. "Wrong Jeff. Knock's the one into guys, not me."

"Well, Psyc's straight too, so it's not going to happen. Just saying they look good together."

"Is he flawed?" Jeff asked.

Braden nodded. "Yeah. Inability to believe in his own worth, overthinks things with her, and lacks drive to break out of good so he can hit great."

"So he fits?" Jeff asked.

Again, Braden nodded. "He fits perfectly. I'm fucking jealous, man. Crazy jealous, but at the same time, I know they're going to work."

"She also works with you," his friend pointed out.

"Yeah, but I always fuck up with my girls," Braden countered. "I'm good with the guys, until they get pissed that I've got other shit going on in my life. I mean, Deviant's a lifestyle, not just a job."

Jeff just flicked a finger at Rhaven and Psyc. "And this way, when she's lonely, you know someone will pamper her. Brae, have you ever wondered if the reason it didn't work out before is because you need a wingman and Chance is already taken?"


So Jeff tipped his head at Psyc. "That guy is nothing like you. No comparison. He also Copyright 2016 - 2024