Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,132

to her best friend. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I've been wearing the ring all damned day," Kate insisted. "I also figured that I'd make the announcement when we're all here, and well... we're all here."

"Oh my god," Rhaven breathed. "That's beautiful!"

"I knew it was hers when I saw it," Adam said. "I just had to figure out how to ask her. Finally got the nerve last night."

"And we're having a gamer wedding," Kate informed them all. "Well, my parents, his entire crazy family - which means Fizz - and I want all of you to come. I don't know when, but I'm thinking next year. Sometime late spring, maybe?"

"I'm all in," Riley promised. "I will even miss a tournament for that."

"Yeah, no," Adam said, doing his best to sound like he thought she was crazy, "I won't. No, we'll do it between Denver and Columbus, I think. Small thing, though. Just a few close friends."

The look Kate gave her fianc茅 proved that meant a lot to her. Braden saw, but his eyes were on Rhaven and the way she'd reacted to that ring. Was she happy for her friend or thinking about her own wedding? Not that he was ready for that step, but Braden had a feeling he would be soon enough. A year, maybe two? She, however, would probably need more time. Then there was the question of the other man, and how the hell that would play out.

His girl deserved to live a little. She needed to have some fun, be a little wild, and not have anyone judge her for it. That was what made this group so amazing. Anything was on the table. They celebrated Rhaven getting a boyfriend just as much as they did Kate getting engaged. And no one seemed to care at all that Rhaven was in the process of getting a second boyfriend.

Then Jason cleared his throat purposely. "So," he said. "Anyone else want to make an announcement before I try this again?"

"All you," Chance told him.

Jason's eyes jumped over to find Bradley, then he stood and moved behind Zara. Wrapping his arms around her, one hand pressed over the woman's stomach. "We're going to have a baby."

"What?!" Riley gasped.

"Congrats, you two," Bradley said, looking honestly happy about the news.

Zara nodded. "I'm pregnant. About six weeks, I think? Haven't seen a doctor yet, so it's really early, but yeah. Um, the test had a plus."

"Congrats," Logan said. "If it's a little boy, I'm pretty sure we'll have a ton of hand me downs from Ryan."

"He wants a girl," Zara told the room.

Jason groaned. "I want healthy and happy. I just don't know if I'm a good role model for a little boy."

Knock moved in and waved his hands at Zara's waist. "Abracadabra. I pronounce that parasite a girl!"

And everyone in the room laughed. "Think it will work?" Bradley asked.

"Nope," Knock admitted. "I mean, so far I'm one hundred percent wrong on the foals, and a kid can't be that different. So I'm just going to convince myself that Cyn's going to have a little boy to grow up and hack with Ryan - I mean play! And who knows, maybe it'll work?"

"Well, we're going to be talking about names for the next few months, so if anyone has ideas..."

"I will be sure to send them to you," Kate told her.

"I've got tons," Rhaven said. "I lived on baby name websites when I was trying to figure out one for myself. And then Rhaven just stuck. I mean, Raylin is pretty, or Slade if he has eyes like his daddy."

Zara sucked in a breath. "Oh, I hope so."

"My weird eyes?" Jason asked.

"Beautiful eyes," Zara told him.

"Memorable," Riley said. "Striking, too. Makes you stand out. Either way, the little one's going to be a knockout."

"Only if it looks like Mom," Jason said. "I married up, you know."

Zara laughed and spun to hug his neck. "I love you, husband."

"Mm, I like the sound of that, wife."

Logan just dropped his arm over Riley's shoulders. "I can do that too now, you know."

"No," Riley assured him. "You most certainly cannot unless you plan on sleeping in the living room tonight."

Logan slapped both hands over his heart. "Oh, say it isn't so! Besides, the threat to cut me off only works if you don't come chase me down and have your way with my body."

"There is that," Riley agreed.

A loud pop punctuated her words. At the back of the room, Dez held up a now-open bottle of Copyright 2016 - 2024