Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,128

she'd bought to be Jason's best woman. Instead of the elegant heels she'd worn the night before, though, she pulled out the "stripper boots" she'd brought to wear with her Corsair dress. Combined, it was not at all appropriate clothing to get married in, but she knew she looked damned good.

From the way Logan's eyes slid down her body, he agreed. Knock and Cade were waiting for her in the living room, and together, the four of them headed downstairs to wait for their car. When it showed up, it wasn't some casual town car. No, this was a full-sized white stretch limo! Riley laughed at the perfection of it, and then climbed in.

There was a bottle of champagne on ice in the back for all of them. Naturally, Knock opened it, pouring a glass for everyone. Then, he lifted his drink toward her and Logan. Cade mimicked him a moment later.

"To family," Knock said. "And to no hesitation when deciding that something is meant to be. Congratulations, big sis."

"To the insanity of you Andrews," Cade added.

Logan lifted his glass and looked at her lovingly. "And to realizing that getting it right isn't the same as doing it right."

"To us," Riley agreed, lifting her own glass, "and our own version of 'happily ever after.'"

They all clinked their glasses together and then took a drink. Cade's was a decent sip. Logan took a real drink. Knock had a gulp, but Riley? She finished the glass, set it down, and leaned back.

"Kitty said you all started planning this yesterday." She looked between Logan and her little brother. "I just want to know how you kept her from saying anything."

Knock chuckled. "Um, said it was a surprise."

"He told Jeri to threaten stealing Ryan if Kitty gabbed," Cade admitted. "Hottie said the girls were giggling about it all night."

Riley looked down at her hand, and the simple ring with the farm brand inscribed on the outside. It was the logo for Andrews Shires, and her last tie to her parents. For a moment, her eyes stung with the pressure of tears wanting to spring forth, but she pushed them back. Today was not a day to cry. No, her mother would've been so thrilled, and her father would've loved Logan.

Ok, her dad would've hated him at first, called him something like a trumped-up poppycock, or some other antiquated phrase to get her going, and then admitted he liked the guy. Riley's dad had judged people based on one single criteria: did the animals like them? If the answer was yes, then Ryan Andrews would accept them completely.

Her mom, however, was a little more cautious. She knew that good people did bad things, and that sometimes bad things were the only way to get good results. In other words, she would've been convinced that Knock was a little angel and Logan Riley's soulmate. But even thinking that made her pause.

Slowly, Riley looked over to the man who was about to be her husband. Not just boyfriend, but the other half of her everything. Soulmate was a damned good word to describe him. Logan was this crazy mix of alpha confidence and feminist acceptance. He had no problem lifting Riley up, even when it meant he'd be overshadowed by her success. She wanted nothing more than to return the favor, but she hadn't gotten the chance yet.

But this? It meant she would. A wedding meant forever. Well, it should. She had a funny feeling that with Logan, it most certainly would.

Eventually, the car pulled up in front of a cute building covered in flashing lights and neon signs. One of those caught her attention. As the guys got out of the back and Logan leaned in to offer her a hand, Riley realized exactly what kind of place they'd come to. She was laughing as she stood.

"Elvis?" she gasped. "We're getting married by Elvis?"

"Oh, it gets better," Knock warned.

They made their way inside to find a younger man waiting. He smiled politely. "Is this spontaneous, or have you made an appointment?"

It was Knock who stepped up. "Yeah, eleven o'clock. The Andrews party." Then he stepped aside and the employee followed, but it wasn't quite far enough to hide Knock's voice. "The worst Elvis you have, and they will share the last name of Andrews."

The employee looked at his tablet. "Riley and Logan, right?"

"Yep, and I know it's her last name, but he's taking it."

"Can do," the guy agreed.

So Knock slipped him a bill. "The worse the Copyright 2016 - 2024