Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,126

brew coffee and make sure the boys don't embarrass us."

"What the hell am I supposed to wear?" Riley asked.

"I liked the purple dress," he pointed out. "And my suit's only a little wrinkled. Besides, I did say you'd wear it more than once. This means it's officially not a waste."

Riley surged forward to kiss him, throwing her arms around his neck. He laughed, making a mess of it, but she was trying hard not to do the same.

"Did you already plan this out?" she asked.

He rolled out of the bed. "Plan is a strong word, and one that I wouldn't apply to this. I had an idea, I asked your little brother to help, and made sure that Kitty wouldn't be hurt if she wasn't included. Mostly, it was spontaneous."

"It's perfect," she told him.

"Then get pretty, because there will be pictures," he warned. "And you're going to have to wait until we're home for your ring, but I can use the one you're wearing now again if you're ok with it."

"You don't even have all the necessary supplies?" she taunted. "Oh my! What ever will I do?"

He just lifted a brow. "Trust me, I have the necessary supplies. Once I make you legal, I'll even prove it. Move, woman. We're on the clock now."

He turned to leave the room but Riley called, "Pants!"

Right, he probably wanted those. Pulling on his underwear, Logan left their room and walked down the hall. Someone was in the war room, but Logan didn't even care. He stopped at Knock's door and pounded on it with his fist.

"Get your asses out of bed, guys! Put on clean clothes at least?"

He turned to go back to his room, but stopped when something moved at the corner of his eye. Turning, he found Chance Hunter leaning against the corner between the hall and the War Room. The man pointedly looked down at Logan's lack of pants and then back up.

"Forget you have the public suite?" he asked.

"I'm planning a wedding," Logan told him.

Chance slung his head as if he wasn't sure he'd heard that. "Whose?"

"Mine. Now." So he turned to bang on Knock's door again. "If you don't open this door in two seconds, I'm taking Chance as a witness instead."

Chance just laughed. "Ok, well, there's that." Then he leaned back. "Dez, seems the marriage bug has been caught. Wanna get married?"

"Fuck you, no," Dez said, her voice muffled by the distance. "Marriage is a false construct that's based in a religion I don't follow. I said 'I do' when I accepted half the business."

Chance just laughed. "So, does this mean I can fuck around because you won't commit?"

"Makes it easier, doesn't it," she teased. "Why? Have a prospect?"

"Void's getting married."

"To Riley, I assume."

"Yep," Chance said. "He's also standing here in his underwear looking like he's going to panic any second."

"You," Logan told him, "are a fucking asshole."

Naturally, that was when Knock's door finally opened. Cade was on the other side, with wet hair and a towel around his waist. "He's shaving. I'm about to get dressed. We doing suits or dress shirts, or what?"

"Just... nice," Logan said.

Cade grinned. "Knock said the place he found is perfect for Riley. So, um, hope you're up for a little insanity."

"I'm marrying into this family, aren't I?" Logan asked. "Just wait, you'll do the same one day." With a wink, he turned to walk away, but paused. "Why are you here, Chance?"

"Dez's main working hours, and believe it or not, I'm not completely useless with a computer. Want me to tell the rest what you're doing?"

"Sure," Logan decided. "Or don't. The truth is that I don't even care. I'm not doing this for them. I'm doing this..." He paused, because he honestly didn't know why it was so important to him to officially marry Riley.

"Because husband means more than boyfriend," Chance said, nodding slowly. "Believe it or not, I get it. It's not for Dez and me, but she's my partner, and that's in all ways. We all deal with our fucked-up issues our own way."

"Yeah," Logan breathed. "And it makes it harder for her to just change her mind. She can't leave me on a whim, and Riley does everything on a whim."

"She's not going to leave you," Chance said. "She built a family with you. I promise that woman isn't going anywhere, and I know women, Void. Congratulations, though. I'll make sure the rest know it's your big day."

Logan headed back to his room with a little extra Copyright 2016 - 2024