Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,125

to stop seeing Braden? Could he honestly fucking do this with them? Could they figure out how to make it work?

But if a group of teenagers could, then why not, right? Consensual non-monogamy was a thing, and that was basically what this was turning into. One nesting partner and one long distance one - him. In other words, he wasn't just a dick to her. He honestly had a chance, and Braden had just given him a week to prove it.

Psyc left the water, stepped into Rhaven, and palmed both sides of her face. Tilting her chin up, he kissed her quickly. "You didn't answer the question, Rhaven. Dream big. What do you want from me, beautiful?"

Her tongue darted out to lick the mist from her lips. "Everything," she breathed.

"I'm in," he promised. "And I'm hoping to earn 'boyfriend' by the end of the week." He snuck in another kiss. "Coffee?"

She just smiled before leaning in to steal her own kiss from his lips. "That would be perfect. I think I can get used to this."

"That's the plan," he said as he stepped out of the shower.

Chapter 42

Logan's phone beeped, the notification pulling him from sleep. Leaning out, he grabbed his phone off the nightstand to see a message from Knock. Opening it up, he had to blink a few times before he could make his eyes focus enough to read the words.

Knock: It's done.

He was instantly awake and typing back.

Logan: When?

Knock: 2 hours. Enough time to get ready. Charged your card. They send a limo. You have 1 hour to cancel.

Logan: Still gonna be my witness?

Knock: I would not miss this for the world. You can't keep me away if you tried.

Logan chuckled and tossed his phone back on the nightstand, then leaned over to kiss his fianc茅e, but paused. Riley lay face down, naked in the bed. She'd kicked the blankets off so that only one of her legs was covered, and her rainbow dreads were spread out around her. Carefully, he pushed a few strands away from her face before kissing her cheek.

"Riley?" he whispered.

"Unh uh," she grumbled.

"C'mon, baby, I need to see those pretty eyes of yours," he begged. "I had a thought, but you gotta agree."

She opened only one eye. "Is there coffee involved?" she mumbled into the mattress.

"Could be." He moved a little more of her wild hair behind her. "I was thinking we should get married."

She wiggled the fingers on her left hand, showing off her ring. "Said yes."

"No, Riley. Today. Let's be stupid and go get married? Me, you, and a drive-through chapel?"

She sucked in a breath and rolled over. One hand made a pass at her face, then she scooted higher. "Say that again?"

"Let's elope," he said. "We're in Vegas. Let's go get married and make this thing official in our own way."

She rolled her head toward him and smiled the sweetest smile he'd ever seen. "Are you kidding?"

"I am completely and totally serious. Watching Cyn get married yesterday, all I could think was that I wanted to make you my wife. You've never set a date - "

"Because I don't care," she admitted. "I don't want something stupid and expensive."

"So let's have a Vegas wedding," he said. "We'll take Knock and Cade as our witnesses, and just do it without telling anyone."

Her smile was growing. "Yes!" Then it fell. "What about Kitty? She's supposed to be there."

"I already asked her. She said she's ok with it."

"No," Riley said, turning to grab her own phone, clearly awake now.

Her fingers began flying on the keys as she typed out a message. He watched her hit send and physically brace. Then her phone buzzed with a reply. A little smile flickered over Riley's lips before vanishing again, and she typed out another message. There were three of those, and Logan waited the whole time, his excitement dimming a little as her face only grew more serious.

Then, "Ok," Riley said. "Kitty says that it has to be super cheesy so Knock can livestream it, and that it doesn't matter because we're already basically married, and she knows this just makes the legal shit easier, and the tax break will be nice for the farm."

"Tax break?" Logan asked.

Riley looked at him and smiled. "That's Kitty's way of saying she's all in. I always know that she's honestly thought it through when she brings up the finances part, so... Yes. Let's get married today."

"Then you have two hours to get ready," he warned. "I'm going to Copyright 2016 - 2024