Game Over (Gamer Girls #7) - Kitty Cox Page 0,114

smile at the right time, and have a few kids. None of it had seemed appealing, but Riley? She was perfect.

From her wild hair to the tattoos that meant so much to her, she was an enigma in so many ways. A force of nature at times, but others, she was just this woman who felt a little stronger than everyone else and refused to be ashamed of it. She was so damned driven, too. Logan had always thought that he was a "go-getter," but Riley put him to shame. It was just that she didn't want the things the world told her she should.

She'd made a family out of lost causes and lonely souls. She'd gone from a woman who felt far too alone to building this insanely perfect chaos around her that somehow just worked. It was like a drug, and he could never get enough of it. Somehow, she managed to be both the matriarch and the wild child, while making all of it into something respectable.

So Void had talked to his father. Andrews Shires needed to have an Andrews running it. The problem was that Logan didn't want to be married on paper only. He wanted to share a name, and it made no sense for her to change hers. His dad had been surprised when Logan mentioned changing his name, but not offended. In fact, James Weiss had actually helped him prepare his argument for Riley. Then his father had researched what it would take for Void to take his wife's name, and said he thought it was actually a good idea.

Mike had been all for it too. Then again, Logan's boss loved Riley. She'd won him over a little too easily, so Mike's only problem was that it would take longer to change the business signs than for Logan's name change to be legal. In other words, nothing was holding him back.

And as he watched Jason and Zara profess their love for each other, Logan decided he was tired of waiting. Waking up his phone, he typed out a text before he could talk himself out of it.

Logan: Can I have your permission to marry your sister?

Kitty: I was there when you proposed, silly. I'm all in, remember?

Logan: I meant now. Or do you want to be here? I should wait until I'm home, right?

Kitty: You mean do a Vegas wedding? Like, same day shit?

Logan: She and Jason are so close. Sharing an anniversary weekend? I dunno, I thought she'd love that. It's stupid, right?

Kitty: I do not need to be there for you to marry her. Plus, we both know she's not into that shit. She wants the forever, not the dress or the ring.

Logan: I already bought the ring, but it's at home.

Kitty: Gonna use her engagement ring?

Logan: Yeah, I could. Then just put the other on when we get home.

Kitty: That works. Marry her. Tell Knock to take pictures. We're already family, Logan. This is just the legal bullshit. Nothing changes, so do it.

He lifted his eyes back to the couple, aware that Jason was now holding both of Zara's hands and this looked serious. Oh, this was the part where they declared their love.

"Zara," Jason said, pausing to smile at her. "I tried to write something beautiful to tell you how I feel. I never finished it, because there are no words." He paused to chuckle once. "The truth is that we work best when we do it wrong. You are the best partner I've ever had." He glanced back. "Sorry, Bradley, but she's cuter."

"No offense taken," Bradley assured him.

Then Jason raised Zara's hands to his lips and kissed them. "I love you more than I thought was humanly possible. I want to grow old with you, hold you when you cry, lift you up when you shine, and so much more. You see me, Zara, in a way that no one else can, and I intend to become the man you should be seeing. Right here, today, I vow to give you everything I have. My time, my belongings, and even my life. I'm nothing without you, and so much more when you're around. I can't promise we won't fight, but it will always be for the right reason - because I love you, Zara. You are the best thing in my entire world."

Then the officiant asked, "Will you, Zara Masih, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and health, in good times and bad?"

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