The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,9

on water, too?” Jeffrey asks sarcastically, breaking the silence as we watch Mikey hold her close on the dance floor.

“He thinks he does,” Mya snaps, causing us to laugh.

“So does Deanna. It’s always Mikey did this, Mikey does that,” he says, attempting to imitate her voice.

“I know what you mean, but you have to understand… they grew up together, they’ve known each other since they were little,” I say laughing sympathetically.

“Oh, I know. I’ve heard all about it,” Jeffrey replies, laughing. I can’t help noticing a twinge of jealousy in his voice, though. When they finally decide to rejoin us, Deanna takes Jeffrey’s hand as they take a walk outside.

“I thought you guys forgot about us,” I say, teasing Mikey.

“Not quite. Guess what I’m stuck doin’ tomorrow?” he asks. I shake my head, having no clue. “She begged me to take him golfing so that she can spend the day alone with you.”

“You agreed?” I ask, amazed.

“Of course,” he answers.

“That was so nice of you. I’m shocked.”

“Yeah, well. I have my moments,” he jokes as he downs his drink and turns to Mya. “So what got into you tonight? You look pretty hot. You look like a girl for once.”

“Moment over,” she says dryly to me while giving him the finger.

“What?” he asks innocently. “I’m just kiddin’. You look good. I was complimenting you.”

“Thanks. Is that what that was?” she replies sarcastically just as Deanna and Jeffrey rejoin our table.

After another round of drinks and setting up plans for the next day, Deanna and Jeffrey decide to call it a night. Mikey had Jeffrey doing numerous shots and they are beginning to take effect. Apparently, on Mikey as well. His glazed-over eyes follow Deanna until she is no longer in sight. I notice his mood change once she’s gone. He orders another round of drinks from the waitress. I can tell he’s up for an all nighter, but I’m tired; it’s been a long day. Somehow, he manages to coax Mya to hang out and drink with him. If you’re looking to drown your sorrows, Mya is the perfect person to do it with, I think to myself as I say goodbye.

“Don’t drive home if you’re drinking,” I warn Mikey before heading towards the door. He smiles and holds up his glass to salute me.

Later, I replay the evening in my head as I climb into my bed. It was a good night, I decide. I sometimes forget what it’s like to have a good night. I’m happy with the success of the fundraiser and proud of myself for the sale of my paintings.

I’m so exhausted from the busy week that I conk out the moment my head hits the pillow. When I wake, I realize that I didn’t hear Mya come home last night. I creep through the living room, expecting to find Mikey asleep on the couch just as he’s done in the past when he’s had too much to drink and am surprised to see that he didn’t stay. I know he had a lot to drink before I left, and by the looks of it, he seemed as if he was planning on having a few more.

After showering, I try to quietly open the squeaky bathroom door and am startled to find Mya standing outside, waiting to use the bathroom.

“Did you let Mikey drive home last night?” I accuse.

“What do I look like, his mother?” she replies sarcastically.

“No, but, he was drinking… A lot. How much longer did you stay?”

“Till closing,” she says dryly.

“Mya!” I shout.

“Relax, princess. He didn’t drive home,” she says slyly as she nods her head towards her room.

“Mya, you didn’t?” I ask, mortified.

“Yep. You never told me Mr. MVP was so good in bed,” she replies casually, giving me a devilish grin.

“I told you before, I wouldn’t know. We’re just friends; always have been. I cannot believe you. Now what?” I ask, shaking my head in disbelief.

“Jesse, not everyone is like you. Some of us are totally cool with having a one night stand. That’s it! We both get it. He was feeling bad about Little Miss Cheerleader being in love and I was just… feeling bad, as usual. So, why not? It was fun and I have to admit, he lives up to his reputation. Not that I would ever tell him that,” she says, giving me a wink.

“Mya!” I screech, embarrassed by the way Mya is so casual about sex. “I cannot believe it… You and Mikey? You despise each Copyright 2016 - 2024