The Game Changer The Final Score - By L.M. Trio Page 0,8

but this guy must really want it, you’ll paint one for me, right?” Mikey laughs as he lets the guy outbid him.

Everyone congratulates me on my sale and the crowd begins to clear. I’m excited to celebrate with my friends, but then, Mr. Sinclair calls me over. He’s standing next to a well-dressed, very handsome man, who looks to be in his early to mid-thirties.

“The man that bought your painting has asked to meet the artist. Jesse Martell, this is Frank Simone. Mr. Simone owns the Frank Simone Gallery on 8 Avenue.”

“Yes, I know it well. I’ve been there several times.” I stick my hand out for him to shake. “It’s nice to meet you. Thank you so much; you’ve made my night,” I say appreciatively, honored that a man of his stature in the art business purchased my work. Not to mention, he owns one of my favorite galleries in the city.

“No, thank you. You’re work is beautiful. I bought another of your pieces earlier in the night. You’re very talented.”

I can feel myself blush. We talk awhile longer, discussing our love of art. He asks questions about school and my studies and I tell him about my internship at the Cape May Museum. I must admit, he seems quite impressed with my knowledge of Art History.

When we finally have a lapse in conversation, I realize that the place is almost emptied out and my poor friends are cleaning up. “I’m sorry. I’m holding you up. I didn’t realize it was so late. I better help my friends with the clean up,” I look over at them. “They’ve already done so much to help me with this. Thank you again, Mr. Simone, for purchasing my paintings. I hope you enjoy them,” I say as I turn to leave.

“It was nice meeting you, Jesse.” He pulls something out of his jacket pocket. “Here’s my card. Stop in to see me. If you’re interested, I probably can use you in the Gallery.”

“Really? Great. Thank you,” I reply, taking the card from his hand before I make my way towards Deanna, who’s been watching me from across the room.

“JJ, he is hot! Do you know him?” Deanna asks, meeting me halfway.

“He owns the Art Gallery around the corner. I’ve been there several times, but I’ve never seen him there,” I answer, glancing back over my shoulder to steal another look. He’s in the process of having my portraits wrapped and carried out for him. “I cannot believe he just paid that much for my work.”

“I can. You’re great. This is so awesome,” she responds.

“Who the hell was he?” Mikey asks protectively as he watches him exit the room.

“He owns the Art Gallery around the corner,” I answer, while De pulls my arm to rush towards the window to catch another glimpse of Mr. Simone as he leaves the building. Two waiters are placing the portraits into the backseat of a black convertible Mercedes that is parked in front of The Blue. Mr. Simone tips them and climbs into the driver’s seat.

“He gave me his card. He said he may be able to use me in the gallery.”

“You’re going to see him, right?” De asks as we watch him pull away.

“Probably. I’ll wait a couple of days… I don’t want to seem over anxious.”

After cleaning up, we decide to head over to the Green Iguana again. My dad and Cheryl seem to have hit it off and are downstairs having a drink at the bar. I thank Cheryl and kiss my dad goodbye after making plans to meet up tomorrow.

The rhythms of the Latin music coming from the various clubs, fills the warm air as we walk the streets to head to the Iguana. Mikey’s friends left earlier in the night, due to an early practice in the morning, which forces him to bond with Jeffrey since it’s just the two of them tagging along with me, De and Mya.

The music fills the room as people crowd the dance floor. A table opens up just as we arrive and we quickly snatch it up. As we finish our second round of drinks, a slow song fills the room.

“Come dance with me; we need to catch up,” Deanna says, grabbing a hold of Mikey’s arm as she drags him to the dance floor. Mya, Jeffrey and I watch as the two of them dance and talk intently on the floor as if they are the only two in the room.

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