Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,94

in ahead of her.

Is he protecting me? More likely, he wanted to be the one to get first crack at any demon or angel in the room.

She entered and shut the door behind her. The room wasn’t large, but it seemed downright tiny with Maccus sharing it. She ignored the bed that dominated the space and went straight for the small package sitting on the tiny table by the window.

Sure enough, there was a pair of titanium cuffs etched with symbols. Energy pulsed from them in a never-ending rhythm. She stuffed them in her pocket. “I’m going to change.” Yes, she had clothes that fit, thanks to Maccus, but putting on her own reminded her who and what she was.

He crossed his arms over his massive chest and stared. He was good at the silent intimidation thing. Good thing she wasn’t afraid of him anymore.

Keep telling yourself that.

He was a wildcard. She had no idea why he was really here or what he would do.

She grabbed the bag with her extra gear and went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. If it had a window, she’d be tempted to climb out and go off on her own.

He’d find me. The thought was fleeting but true. They were in this together until the end.

After carefully folding the top he’d bought and paid for, she stored it in her bag. It wasn’t expensive, just a plain tank top. But it meant something to her because it had been a gift from him.

She’d never lived anywhere long enough to buy clothing online and have it sent to her. And before she’d gotten into her current predicament, she hadn’t had the money. Her life might be completely different, but she still bought her clothes in the same place she had when she was a regular human—the thrift store or Walmart.

Of course, she’d never truly been fully human, was a demon-human half-breed. A shiver snaked down her spine. She had more than enough to worry about without adding to it—one problem at a time.

A heavy thump sounded on the door. “You ready yet?”

“Almost.” No time to woolgather. They had places to go and things to do. She grabbed a clean tank from her bag and pulled it on before swapping to clean underwear and pants. By the time she’d pulled her boots back on and zipped her coat, she was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Head high, she opened the door and stepped into the room. She tucked her bag under the bed. If she survived, she’d be back for it.

Not that it really mattered. There was nothing there but some clothes. Her extra money, identification, weapons, and cuffs were all in her jacket.

There was no reason to hesitate any longer. “Let’s go.” She didn’t look at him as she left the motel room. It was the same as a hundred others where she’d stayed. The closest thing she’d had to a home was the time she’d spent with Maccus.

He shut the door behind them, making sure it was locked.

“Which way?” he asked.

She shrugged. “I usually get a starting point, but not this time.” So much of Kayley’s human life was a mystery to her, but there was a place to begin. “The gallery.”

Before she could head toward the exit, he stepped into her path, forcing her to either stop or run into him. Coming to a halt, she stared at his chest before giving a sigh and raising her gaze.

Maccus looked as he always did—grim and resigned.

The time for talking was over. It was time for action. “Time’s wasting.” She pushed past him, not surprised when he let her pass. After all, there was nothing left to say.

Maccus hated that she’d changed her clothes. It was such a little thing, but he still didn’t like it. It was as though she was trying to separate herself from him.

All the easier to kill him.

He walked behind her, keeping a watch on her back. She was so preoccupied with facing her sister that anyone could come

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