Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,93

waist and angled her pelvis toward him.

There was no finesse, only animal need, as he shoved his cock into her welcoming warmth. Throwing back his head, he roared. Fury and passion drove him to claim her.

They clung to each other as the madness overtook them. He slammed into her, hips working like a jackhammer. And she welcomed him, heels digging into his ass, her sweet whimpers filling his ears.

Desperation pushed him. Faster. Harder. He couldn’t get enough of her. Would never have enough.

When his orgasm hit, it ripped his very soul from his body. Cock jerking, balls aching, he emptied himself inside her. Her hot core rippled over his cock, milking every ounce of his release until he was empty.

Lungs heaving like he’d done ten miles at a dead run, he came back to his senses. Fuck, had he hurt her?

The water still rained down on their bodies, the steam surrounding them in a foggy cocoon. He pressed his hands against her wet cheeks, wondering how much was from the shower and how much was tears.

And then something miraculous happened. She smiled at him. It wasn’t a big smile, more of a tilting upward of the corners of her mouth.

He lowered his forehead to hers in defeat. She was fearless, but the devil would have his due.

“What are we going to do?” she whispered.

“Whatever we have to.” It was the motto he’d lived by and might well be the one by which he died.

Chapter Twenty-One

By the time they’d dressed and eaten, the sun had gone down. They were on their way to her motel room to pick up the cuffs that would have been delivered for her bounty. While she might be staying with Maccus, she’d kept her motel room just for this very reason. No way was she giving Emmett his location. Plus, she wasn’t giving up her bolt hole, just in case something went sideways. In her experience, something usually did, which was why she’d stashed a change of clothes and another knife here. Better to be safe than sorry.

Lucifer’s plan was diabolical—his bounty hunter hunting his former lover. Oh, and by the way, they were sisters.

“You don’t have to come with me.” Maybe it was better if she faced Kayley alone. It had begun with the two of them and should end the same way.

“Not an option.” He’d said little since their frantic lovemaking in the shower. Of course, he rarely said much, so that was no gauge of his mood.

She stopped outside the cheap motel where she’d checked in for a week only days before. Not much time had passed in terms of human reckoning, but it seemed an eternity to her. It was difficult to remember what life had been like before. Maccus was such a huge presence.

Morrigan placed her hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks. Or rather, he decided to stop. There really was no halting him once he set his mind on something.

“Listen to me.” She wasn’t sure she could do this, but there was no choice. “You need to go back to your place and hunker down until this is over. Lucifer will get angry when I capture Kayley, especially if you’re not there.” She tried to swallow, but her throat was too dry. “He’ll take me back to Hell, and that will be the end of it.”

“No.” He stepped around her, yanked open the door to the motel, and waited.

Hands on her hips, she tilted her head back and stared at the heavens, wondering if there was anyone up there listening who had compassion or if they were all like Gabriel, determined to kill Maccus, not caring who else got hurt in the process.

She released a pent-up breath and entered the building. As when she’d checked in, there was an older man at the counter reading a magazine. He grunted but otherwise ignored them. Since she was paid up, there was no need to have any interaction with him.

Leading the way, she took the stairs to the second floor and unlocked her door. As she was about to enter, Maccus pushed past her and walked

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