Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,76

last thing she wanted was to be forced to use his weapon against him.

“Take it.” His voice was deep, and the command behind it undeniable. She took the knife.

In that short amount of time, Lucifer’s wound had disappeared, as had the blood on his coat. It would take more than a knife to kill him, even a powerful one.

Could he even be killed?

The back door was shoved open, and Kayley strode out, a frown on her face and her brows lowered. “I hope you’re happy. Everyone is gone. There was no need to cut my party short.”

Talk about unexpected. It was shocking how her younger sister addressed the king of Hell. Even more surprising? He didn’t smite her where she stood. No, instead of making her the center of his wrath, he smiled. And not a sarcastic or sadistic one.

“No fears, my dear. They’ll all be back tomorrow.”

Kayley’s lips curved upward, and the furrows on her brow smoothed out. There was more than a sensual promise in that smile. There was a familiarity that was sexual. Her sister and Lucifer?

Definitely never saw that one coming.

He held out his hand, and Kayley went to him without hesitation. There was no fear at all coming from her, only a sense of anticipation and excitement.

She swallowed the bile in her throat.

Lucifer noted her surprise and laughed. “You didn’t think I’d keep you alive if you weren’t important to her, did you?”

So if her sister and Lucifer had hooked up, did that mean she was his sister-in-law? Scratch that. He wouldn’t marry anyone, and she was nothing more than a toy to them both.

Where had her baby sister gone? How had this happened?

Silent and assessing, Maccus didn’t posture and talk like Lucifer did. There was nothing showy about him. He was silent and deadly, like the blades he favored.

She was tired of waiting for the hammer to drop. “I won’t kill him.” That was the one thing she was sure of. Better to burn in Hell for eternity.

The devil might own her body, be able to force her to work for him, but she would not let him own her soul. That still belonged to her.

Lucifer’s evil laugh sent a rush of terror through her. “Then he’ll kill you.”

What was Lucifer up to? His ploy to try to get Morrigan to stab him was a blatant display of power. He’d wanted to put a stop to it but had learned his lesson earlier. He wouldn’t weaken her position by stepping in.

And she’d fought. Sweat had beaded her brow. Pain had etched itself deeply on her face. And still, she’d battled the compulsion.

Not only had she won, but she’d also launched the blade at Lucifer.

That show of willpower and strength had impressed them both.

Lucifer waved his hand as though expecting him to obey the command. He gave a snort of laughter. “I don’t answer to you. Never have. Never will.”

This was unfamiliar territory. When he hunted, he stalked his victim, killed them, and moved on before his target even knew he was there. Chitchat was way outside the norm.

Something about this little scenario was wrong. The devil wasn’t one for wasting time unless it served a purpose. “Waiting for Gabriel, are we? Afraid to face me on your own?” If there was one thing he could depend on, it was Lucifer’s vanity.

As expected, he pushed away from the wall. “I’m afraid of no one.”

“Of course you’re not.” Kayley stroked his arm and his ego. Lucifer shoved her aside. She staggered back a few steps but didn’t seem the least bit distraught by the rough action.

Black lightning arched from the center of his palms. Manifesting his swords, Maccus deflected the blast that would have incinerated Morrigan.

“You’re as fast as I remember. But Morrigan belongs to me. If I say she goes back, then she goes back.”

Maccus kept his face expressionless. “You’re right.”

Behind him, Morrigan gasped. His shoulders tensed in anticipation of a blade

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