Fury Unleashed (Forgotten Brotherhood #1) - N.J. Walters Page 0,75

to try to defeat me first. Or at least let Gabriel give it a try,” he taunted.

Anger tightened Lucifer’s features, giving them a glimpse of his true face before it smoothed out again into the handsome guise he wore over it.

“And let them have all the fun?” He leaned against the wall, bent one knee and placed a foot against the brick, and crossed his arms over his chest. “I was disappointed you didn’t take Kayley up on her offer.” His gaze raked Morrigan. “I’m not sure what you see in this one, but there’s no accounting for taste. And Gabriel, the bastard, was correct in his assessment. He said the two of you would hit it off.”

The two of them working together was still mind-blowing. It was unheard of. It was also an indication of just how far both would go to end him.

And Morrigan was caught in the middle of it.

Chapter Seventeen

Morrigan’s blood shot from hot passion to pure ice. Maccus had morphed from lover to merciless assassin. Lucifer had once again interrupted her life. What was he up to now?

Senses sharp, she glanced around the alley, surprised to find it empty other than the three of them. With Maccus’s attention taken by Lucifer, it was up to her to watch his back.

Every cell in her body was lamenting they wouldn’t get to finish what they started. His taste was still on her lips; the heat from his hand hadn’t yet faded.

The devil’s dark gaze pinned her in place. The malicious glee there made her stomach turn. “Kill him,” he ordered.

Her hand vibrated. The muscles clenched. Sweat broke out on her brow as she attempted to keep her hand in place. Even with all her effort, it jerked toward Maccus. He stayed steady, not even trying to get out of the way.

“Mind control?” Maccus tsked. “So beneath you.”

The pressure on her body didn’t ease, even though she fought it with all her might. Wasn’t this damn dagger protected by symbols? It was supposed to fight such things. Or maybe not. Maybe it was designed to hurt the creatures it was used on but not protect the wielder. After all, Maccus wouldn’t need such protection.

She grabbed her wrist with her free hand and exerted every ounce of strength she possessed. Sweat broke out on her brow. The muscles in her arm quivered, but the tip of the blade kept moving unerringly toward Maccus’s heart.

She gritted her teeth, dug deep, and gave a roar of fury as she flung the knife. Not toward Maccus but Lucifer.

It flew through the air like a rocket being launch. It ran straight and true and hit the target, ramming right into the center of his chest. His entire body jerked. The ground beneath them shook. Fury filled his eyes as they flashed blood red.

“You dare to stab me?” Each word rose in volume until he was yelling.

She swallowed hard but didn’t bother answering. Yeah, it was pretty self-evident. He gripped the handle of the knife and yanked. It didn’t move.

Blood oozed from around the wound. A human, even most demons, would be dead.

He tugged on the blade again, jaw clenching, frown deepening. “What is this?”

“The dagger belongs to me,” Maccus told him. “I loaned it to her.”

“You gave her one of your knives?” Shock reverberated in his voice.

Okay, she’d known it was a big deal, but not how much of one. The devil stared at her, pure disbelief mirrored on his face.

“Loaned,” Maccus corrected.

She couldn’t forget that. She, like the knife, was temporary.

“Would you mind?” Lucifer asked, his tone dry and sardonic as he pointed to the handle protruding from his chest. The dagger truly was powerful if even he couldn’t remove it.

Maccus shrugged and held out his hand. The blade moved so fast she couldn’t see it. One second it was in Lucifer’s chest, the next back in Maccus’s hand. He gripped the weapon by the bloody tip and held the handle out to her.

She tucked her hands behind her back. “Maybe I shouldn’t.” The

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