Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,53

strange about that.”

I struggled to swallow as he said that. “So what, you don’t feel anything for me?”

“NO! I don’t. You are not a match against Tabitha.”

That struck me hard. Tabitha hadn’t been mentioned for such a long time. I took a deep breath and realized that both of us were still naked.

I darted past him and fetched my robe, pulled it over my head and just stood there. I could still feel his presence behind me.

“Elena, I told you…”

“Yeah, I know. Don’t worry about that.”

“You’ve got to promise me.”

“I can’t do that. You might not feel the same about me, but I do care for you Blake. I can’t.”

I ran past him and pulled off my robe. I struggled to see the edge and realized that the tears had finally come. I didn’t understand it. He was so mean and had just rejected me, why now! I wiped them away and pushed myself off the mountain.

Cara came out immediately and it only took a second for her to realize that something wasn’t right. I could hear her gasp as I thought about everything he’d told me, and she took over the flight.

HE TRAINING WAS over. I found Blake after one of my classes resting against the wall like a Greek god. He said that I knew everything there was and that he didn’t see why we should carry on with our training sessions.

I knew it was a lie because I still had to prepare for Arianna’s claim, but I understood why he wanted to stop and to be honest, I didn’t want to be around him knowing how I felt about him and that it wasn’t a mutual feeling. I was so stupid telling him all those things.

The worst part of it all was that I’d fallen in love with a version of him, not the real him. Still it hurt.

Why was my dragon so weak? Cara was really strong, but we couldn’t deal with the dark and we needed Blake close to us to stay calm. What was it going to be like without him?

I thought about what he’d asked for the next couple of days. That task was too big, I couldn’t kill him. Sammy and Becky got really worried again as I just stayed inside my room.

They learned really fast not to mention Blake or the training in front of me as the dark inside of me crept slowly into my heart. The back biting came and the snapping heads off by saying the wrong things.

Even my irises turned red around the edges. I could feel their concern and it was really starting to piss me off. I didn’t need their pity or worry. I had enough shit to deal with.

Talking to Sammy about why her brother trained me burned at the edge of my tongue, but a part of me couldn’t. I guess it was the old me that kept me from yelling it in her face. But I knew what it would mean, I would lose her friendship and the old Elena was still fighting hard to keep it.

“Elena, please tell me what happened?” I found Becky next to me on the couch. It’d started to snow as December grew nearer and she threw a blanket over our legs. “Sammy isn’t here. Please. Why aren’t you training with Blake anymore?”

I stared at the window and I felt nothing but hatred toward his name. Becky wrapped her arms around me. “What happened?”

I flinched at her touch. I didn’t like this at all and I gave her a glare but releasing the information was all I’d wanted for a couple of days now. It had to come out. “He wants me to kill him.”


“His darkness is starting to consume him. It was the reason Paul found the Elementals so fast, and when they were gone, I turned. It makes sense if you think about it.”

“Elena you can’t kill him,” she whispered loudly and her nostrils flared.

“Why not? He would destroy Paegeia, Becky.”

“What is wrong with you? It’s the dark, come.” She grabbed my hand and yanked hard for me to follow her.

“Don’t.” I yanked it out of her hand. “He can’t stand to be near me. I’m not going.”

“You need him, otherwise you will turn dark yourself.”

“I don’t. I have to make peace with this, the way he did. I can’t do this anymore.”

She looked at me with a gaping mouth and disappointment laced her eyes, lips and entire body. “You’re giving up? After everything that Copyright 2016 - 2024