Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,16

eyes used to light up whenever he thought something was wicked.

I hardly remembered the smell of his cologne and didn’t have anything left of him to remind me of what it was like to have him near.

Queen Margerite came the day after his funeral and took everything he owned. His parents hadn’t spoken a word to me since the day he’d died. I knew why. They were blaming me for their son’s death, and they should. It was me that had ended up leading him to it.

If I had just end my relationship with him that day at the museum he would still be alive. He wouldn’t have come back and searched for me that afternoon, and that hippogriff wouldn’t have killed him.

HE NEXT DAY I cut class, all of them, and stayed in bed. Training with Blake was a waste of my time anyway.

The past two days had gotten us nowhere, just a lot of backbiting and him calling me names and decreeing how much I thought the world owed me.

He was wrong. What he didn’t understand was that I wanted nothing from this world.

Around three my duvet got pulled off me.

“Get up!” A really pissed off Blake held my blanket in one hand.

“Blake, can you just let it go for today? She had a pretty…”

“No Samantha.” He turned his head back to me. “Get ready, Elena.”

I jumped out of bed, grabbed my robe and charged past him. “You are a real pain in the ass.”

“Yeah, that makes two of us.”

I could hear him behind me walking down the stairs, and opening the main door was no effort anymore.

I didn’t wait for him to pass through and I could hear his hand smacking against the door.

Why did he want to help me find my inner dragon so badly?

I could feel my anger rising again and it started to tear and pull my skin in all directions. I walked a bit faster and flung the second door open that exited to the Parthenon dome. My clothes started to tear as my limbs grew and I fell off the steps. A popping sound told me that Blake had transformed too.

My weight broke half the stairs and I fell head-first to the ground.

When I looked up Blake was in his dragon form right beside me, trying to help me up with his snout.

A growl escaped my mouth and I breathed fire on him. He yelled something and looked past me. I turned my head and found a gazillion students watching the two of us at the top of the stairs. The pink flame in my stomach coiled again and released another bolt of fire in their direction but Blake got in the way and blocked it with his body.

I turned around and my wings automatically started to flap at my sides. The wind slipped beneath them and my body elevated above the ground. I didn’t dare to go higher as I knew my head would start to spin again.

I could hear the flapping sound of a second pair of wings behind me and he said something I didn’t understand.

I really didn’t want to participate in his stupid session anymore; I didn’t want or need his help and I wished everybody would just leave me alone.

FOUND MYSELF IN the air and the mutt was right above me when I awoke. I felt agitated and could sense something was very wrong with my human form, or the way they called her, Elena. She felt angry, something I didn’t like very much. Frustrated was another feeling I picked up on, and she missed someone named Lucian the same way I missed Dad. It was the same ache.

The mutt went higher and for some reason I didn’t want to follow him. Was it him that had caused all of these emotions running through my human form?

I wished I knew what was behind all of this, and at that exact moment flashes of another life paged through my mind. I was right, it wasn’t Dad that she missed. She didn’t even think about him. It was somebody else: This Lucian, he was another human.

I watched how he’d died, stung by a hippogriff. A vague memory of what Momma had told me long ago about the hippogriffs emerged. They were supposed to be extinct.

Then a flash of that rodent I’d flicked off the mountain made his appearance. So it was him that had made her so angry.

My human’s reflection in the mirror came next. She had the most Copyright 2016 - 2024