Frostbite (The Dragonian, #3) - Adrienne Woods Page 0,15

ran two steps at a time and entered our room with a crash. Becky was sitting on her bed doing her homework and Sammy was watching some sort of reality show on the T.V.

Becky looked up as I entered. She sucked in her breath. “Elena?”

Sammy turned around too. “So how was….”

“What happened to your hair?” they cried in unison.

My hair… that was why everyone had stared. I’d forgotten. “Nothing. It changed when I shifted back today.”

Becky made her way in front of me and she pulled the elastic out of my ponytail the way Blake had earlier. My hair fell over my shoulders and down my back. The strands of rainbow hair were clutched in her hand. “It’s so beautiful.”

Sammy was at her side and they inspected it like I was some sort of an experiment gone wrong. I pulled my hair out of her palm.

“Elena, you really need to snap out of this anger phase,” Becky yelled. “It’s getting old now.”

“Becky,” Sammy warned as I entered the bathroom.

“We all lost Lucian, Sammy. She needs to deal with it.”

I flung around and charged back to her. “Deal with it?” I yelled. “How can I deal when shit like this,” I pulled the strands of rainbow hair, “keeps making an appearance? You were born in this world, Becky. Ever since I got here I’ve been clinging to the edges just trying to stay above water.”

Sammy looked at the carpet.

“Don’t tell me you know what it is I’m going through. You still have George, I’ve got nobody.”

“That’s not true. You have us.”

I gave a sadistic laugh. One I didn’t even know I was capable of. “No offence, but you are no way close to what Lucian was.”

Hurt filled her eyes. It didn’t even bother me that I was the cause of it, and I turned around to go to the bathroom.

I took a shower and thought about what I’d said to her. Still no regret came. She’d asked for it and it was time that someone put her in her place. She should really learn when to back off.

What is happening to you, Elena? the old Elena’s voice yelled inside my head. I pushed her back and closed the taps.

After I pulled on new clothes I went back into the room. Becky was gone but Sammy still sat on the couch. She looked at me.


“That was really harsh, Elena.”

“Sammy, just spare me please.”

She jumped up from the couch. “What the hell is happening to you?”

“Let me think. Uhm, I’m a dragon, one predestined to turn evil. I lost the only person that really cared about me, and oh yeah, I really don’t want to be here anymore. You want to know more, or can I stop?”

“Don’t speak like that. Lucian died saving your life. To give up now would be a waste of his death, Elena.”

I closed my eyes and tried to push my anger aside. I didn’t want to lash out at Sammy too, but the feelings inside of me were so strong. It was as if I was still in my dragon form. All my feelings felt ten times worse and nothing my friends said made any difference.

I crawled into bed and flung my duvet over my head.

HE NEXT DAY classes were hard. I was called lazy because none of the incantations that left my mouth wanted to work.

Professor Swarch, who was teaching Enchantments for Dragons, got his ass scorched with lightning after accusing me of not trying hard enough. The class thought it was hilarious; Constance didn’t, and neither did Master Longwei.

It wasn’t supposed to happen that way. I couldn’t control it, and for some reason I could wield lightning when I felt frustrated, or irritated, or really mad. It would be awesome though if it could have happened in Professor Pheizer’s class instead of Professor Swarch’s.

Sir Edward was glad that I’d transformed in his class, but the minute Cara made her appearance again they had to use magic to contain her and get Blake to calm her down. For some reason he turned out to be the only dragon that knew how to do it, and I didn’t know if I should hate that or love it.

Blake was wrong in saying that I would gain control over her the more she got out. And when the day was over and there was nothing left to keep my mind occupied, I ached for Lucian. I tried so hard to remember the sound of his voice, or the way his Copyright 2016 - 2024