Frost (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #3) - Candace Blevins Page 0,83


And yet, even I could smell her arousal.

I grinned. “The idea of it turns you on.”


“Maybe,” I countered.

She shook her head, but the scent of her arousal grew stronger. “A week almost killed me. I can’t go longer.”

“Maybe, maybe not. If you can’t, then we’ll know your limit. Maybe your limit is ten days, maybe it’s a month, maybe it’s six months. There are subs who eventually are given what they know will be their last orgasm ever. No more, at all. I don’t want that for us because I love feeling you jerk and spasm around my dick, but I’d like to eventually play around with seeing how long you can go.”

She sat still, with only her head moving — shaking back and forth in slow motion.

I shrugged. “Like I said, we don’t know how you’ll deal with it, so I can’t say it’ll be for two weeks, since you may hit a wall at ten days, and I don’t want to set you up for failure. I don’t want to do it now, or even anytime soon. Let’s agree to a week leading up to our wedding, so our wedding night will be special, and then wait three or four months and have a start date, when we won’t know when the end date will be. I don’t think I want to go over a month on our first try, but that won’t be the goal. Anything over, say, ten days, we’ll call a win.”

“How will you know when I’ve hit a wall?”

“I can’t tell you.”

She stared at me, figuring out why I couldn’t tell her. “Because knowing the symptoms will bring them on faster.”


“But once I have them, I’ll know them the next time.”

I shook my head. “I’ll stop it before you realize what the symptoms are. Before it’s bad.”

She relaxed and took a drink of juice. “Okay. But we don’t do it until we’ve set a wedding date.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


Seven months later

I’d wanted a small wedding, and I’m pretty sure Frost did, too, but he’s part of this huge organization, with so many people who wanted to be there, that it just kind of blossomed into something neither of us had been prepared for.

And so, here I was on the morning of my wedding, completely freaked out.

Gen, Angelica, Iris, Velvet, Tess, Kitty, Ember, Cora, and Kirsten were at my house, mainly because we’d all spent the night drinking and talking.

I heard some of them working on breakfast, and Ember stood in the bathroom with me, her arms crossed. “Don’t you dare freak out on me. I’m not that kind of girl. If you’re going to freak out then I need to go get Velvet.”

“I’m not going to freak. Or, not much, anyway. I just realized it’s here, today, and I’m going to have to stand up in that huge room in the country club in front of freaking hundreds of people. I have to walk in that dress, and there will be steps.”

“Oh, I can help with that. I thought you were getting cold feet.”

“No, not cold feet. I’d walk over hot coals if that’s what I had to do to marry him,” and to get an orgasm later tonight, but she didn’t need to know that part, “but walking down the aisle and up the steps to the little stage with everyone watching me makes the cat want to run and hide under the damned bed.”

“I still have to do Swan stuff with Sophia sometimes.” She made a face. “Princess stuff, where you’re expected to be naturally graceful because of your breeding. It sucks, but it won’t kill you.”

“I’m not worried about dying.”

“What are you worried about, exactly?”

“People looking at me. Me messing up and making Frost look bad. These people are here to see him, not me.”

“No, they’re here to see the two of you join your lives together legally, under the law.” She touched my arm. “Look at Frost while you walk to him. He’ll be the only person in the room who matters. Don’t even consider anyone else. Look into his eyes and focus on him. I promise, that’s all you need to do, and everything will be fine.”

I’d been looking at her in the mirror, but I turned to look at her head on. “Yeah. Okay. I can do that.”

By the time we made it downstairs, Nora was in the kitchen as well. She, of course, was also part of the wedding party. The boys would be there as well, in their Copyright 2016 - 2024