Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,50

face, his fingers softly tracing my jaw.

“So about those bags,” I remind him, because I can’t see that heat and not be affected by it. I can’t feel his touch and not want more of it.

It’s how the worst night between us happened, the night I saw something I shouldn’t have, and nature almost struck us dead.

I have to hate Gabriel, and I can’t forget that while I’m being lured in by his charm.

Because of him, I have a problem to fix, one which has no easy solution. But also because of him, I get confused and forget what that problem is.

Only when he’s around me.

Only when we’re standing like this.

Only because I see the boy and the man.

And only because I know he’s the broken prince, while everybody else knows Fraud.

I can’t forget.

Not again.

Not ever.

His gaze drops to my mouth. “About them.”

I shove past him despite how much I want to stay standing like this. “Let’s go, Gabriel. It’s best to get this over with and get away from each other.”

He steps up to walk beside me.

Thankfully, the halls are wide enough that it doesn’t shove our shoulders together. Still, having him there is uncomfortable, but more preferable than having him at my back.

Turning a corner, I see Dylan standing in a doorway, his eyes tiny, red slits, his lips curling at the corners. He’s a good-looking kid with dark auburn hair, not as red as Emily’s, more brown. He’s the same height as Gabriel while still not quite filled in, but high school guys never are.

Dylan glances at me, but then locks his stare on Gabriel, their knuckles knocking together in greeting as we pass.

Eyeing Gabriel after he does it, I lift a brow in question.

“I thought you hate Emily and everything about her.”

“Emily is a bitch. But Dylan’s not so bad,” he answers.

“How do you even know him? I mean, as kids, obviously we all knew each other, but how do you know him now?”

We reach the front door, and he grips the handle, his gaze finally crawling to mine.

“Where do you think Sawyer gets his pot?”

My jaw drops as Gabriel opens the door and directs me outside. He’s not letting us slow down for even a second to have this conversation.

“You’re buying from high school kids?”

“Prep schools always have the best shit. And I’m not buying anything. That’s Sawyer’s deal, not mine.”

Keeping his hand on the small of my back, he’s practically pulling me along, his long-legged stride moving much quicker than my legs can keep up.

“Why would Sawyer do that? He’s a twenty-eight-year-old man.”

“I don’t know,” he says as we approach his car. “You’ll have to ask Sawyer that question.”

I roll my eyes. “When would I ever talk to Sawyer? It’s not like I hang out with you guys.”

“How about now?”


A bag is pulled over my head, and I’m shoved forward by a body much larger than mine, low laughter grabbing my attention as my brain catches up with what’s happening.

That son of a bitch.

“Let me go, Gabriel.”

“I don’t have you, love,” I hear him answer from a distance. “You’ll have to ask Sawyer to do that.”

Struggling against the asshole who’s holding me is useless, my feet lifted off the ground when he wraps an arm around my abdomen and tugs me to him.

I thrash anyway as I hear the distinct sound of a car door open just before I’m tossed onto what I assume is the back seat.

“What the hell are you guys doing?”

Sawyer laughs as he climbs in after me, the car door shutting next to him as another one clicks closed up front.

I try to wriggle away, but he grabs me and holds my hands in place, the stupid bag rubbing against my cheek, making it impossible to see anything.

“I’m going to kill you for this, Gabe! Where the hell are you taking me?”

The car pulls forward, and my body rolls back against the seat with the motion, Sawyer still trapping my wrists together with one of his hands.

“You keep saying that, beautiful, yet I’m still breathing. And I’m taking you to another house so we can finish what we started earlier today.”

“What’s with the bag on my head? This isn’t necessary.”

He laughs.

“Actually, it is. There’s no way in hell I’ll let you see where we’re going.”


Dylan really is a decent kid. And it’s insanely helpful that he hates Ivy as much as I do.

All it took was one phone call from Sawyer and he was on board to help us out.

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