Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,49

doing here?”

I hate the high pitch of my voice, the obvious shock. But this jerk has a way of sneaking up on you in the most unlikely of places. He knows it, too, if that charming smile he wears has anything to say about it.

Leaning a shoulder against the frame of the door, he keeps me locked in that charming stare, the true Gabriel I know peeking out from behind it.

“You left before we had a chance to discuss our upcoming wedding. Should our colors be white and silver, or are you more partial to blue? Also, are we doing a full cake, or do you prefer the tiered cupcake arrangement? I hear those are popular these days.”

“Stop being an idiot. You’re here to rub it in that you think you won.”

He blinks at that. “I haven’t?”

“Not even close.”

He grins. “Such a shame, I’ll be sure to cancel the trophy I ordered with my name engraved on the plaque. It’ll be sad to cancel the victory party. I was so looking forward to the clowns and balloon animals.”

My lips twitch at that, only because it reminds me how much of an idiot he was to believe anything I said on our date.

Cocking an arrogant brow, he says, “Actually, I’m here to give you your bags.”

His eyes slowly drop to my chest, my nipples hard because it’s cold, and the shirt is thin.

“I thought you might need them. And apparently I was right. Unless you like the all-natural look. In case you’re wondering, I’m a fan.”

Crossing my arms to cover my chest, I wait for his eyes to lift again, that lying smile stretching his mouth when he sees the annoyance in my expression.

“Are you going to help me get the bags, or were you expecting me to drag all forty of them in myself?”

“It’s seventeen, Gabe. You know that.”

“My apologies for miscounting.”

His brows shoot up.

“We can stand here all night, if you want, but I assumed you’d want to get rid of me as soon as possible.”

“Can we backdate that? I’d like to get rid of you eighteen years ago.”

Laughter shakes his shoulders. “Sorry, love. No can do. Plus, how boring would your life have been without me?”

I drop my arms and walk to him, our eyes locking as I draw close. “I’m sure I would have survived.”

“But would you have felt as alive?”

My heart thumps painfully at his words, our gazes tangling together without hope of letting go.

It doesn’t matter what he’s doing or where we are. I see Gabriel as a man, but also as a nine-year-old boy, the two images superimposed.

Now he stands with his posture relaxed, his face all hard angles and easy charm. But beneath that is the scrawny kid with wavy hair that fell to his chin, his eyes swollen and his lip split.

I’d offered him a popsicle that day, thinking it might make his lip feel better, and while our fathers stood at a distance discussing business, he’d knocked the treat from my hand like I’d offended him.

“I don’t want it.

“But you’re hurt. It will make you feel better.”

“You’re not supposed to see that.”

He shoved me to the ground after saying those words.

The boy had hurt me, and I’d cried back then. His father had laughed proudly while Gabriel glared down at me. Like Gabe was supposed to hurt people because that’s who he is.

Through the years, he learned to wear the charming mask, and he’d fooled everybody around him. Seduced them into compliance. Made them feel safe.

And in the background where nobody could see, the boy grew up and kept hurting me, but I hurt him back.

An entire lifetime of it leaving us with scars that are perfectly matched.

I wish he’d let more people see behind the easy smile and charming manners. Those scars somehow make him more beautiful.

“Bags,” he reminds me on a whisper. “Do you want them or not?”

I shake myself of the past. I’m dazed and confused, but that’s how he always leaves me.

“Yes. Of course, I do. I’m a little surprised you brought them. Especially after everything you’ve done.”

He softly clasps my chin between his fingers. “Are you still mad about that?”

Ignoring the spark that always jumps between us, I nod my head. “I still plan on murdering you. Slowly. Most likely painfully as well.”

Heat flashes in his green eyes, his mouth curling into a grin. “I’m looking forward to it.”

This time it’s Gabriel who gets lost in thought as he stares at me, his eyes searching my Copyright 2016 - 2024