Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,140

in my back as I walk off with Ezra.

I hear a faint growl behind us when Ezra wraps an arm around my shoulders.

When I turn to look at him, Ezra winks and grins before casting a look over his shoulder at Gabriel. I can almost feel the glare Gabriel must be giving Ezra, and it takes effort not to laugh.


Let him be pissed off.

He fucking deserves it.

Neither of us say anything as we head outside and climb into Shane’s car for him to drive us to Ezra’s place.

The ride is mostly made in silence because none of these guys are chatty. It’s fine with me. I’m not in the mood to talk, and it’s nice to be around people who feel the same.

At this point, all I want to do it go to sleep. Just close my eyes and forget this day ever happened.

We pull up to the twins’ house ten minutes later and I’m not surprised to see their place is just as swanky as Tanner’s.

It’s only a few neighborhoods away and has the same manicured lawns and low-lit gardens, the two-story mansion more modern with a steel and glass facade that mimics the city.

I thank Shane as we leave the car and step out to follow Damon and Ezra inside. Damon runs upstairs as soon as we walk in, leaving Ezra and I standing awkwardly in the foyer.

“Do you want to go to the guest room, or...”

His voice trails off as his amber eyes turn my way.

Pursing my lips, I narrow my stare on him and realize his inviting me here might have been intended for something more than just getting me away from Gabriel.

“Do you have any beer?” I ask.

He smiles, and I can’t deny the expression looks damn good on him. It’s rare for either of them to show any emotion, and even rarer for it to be this.

“Yeah,” he answers, looking relieved as he turns to lead me into the kitchen.

Okay. This night is getting weirder and weirder, but I go along with it. If anything, this finally gives me a chance to figure out what the problem is with Emily.

Even while the twins were fighting, she refused to give me details. All she said was it’s her fault and she shouldn’t have been with Ezra tonight.

He pulls two beers out of the fridge, pops the cap on both and walks over to a small breakfast nook in the corner of the kitchen.

Following Ezra over, I sit in the seat opposite him to commence our stare down.

The first thing I notice is this son of a bitch is absolutely gorgeous, even with the bruises and cuts from the fight with his brother.

It’s not that I hadn’t noticed before, but the twins aren’t exactly people you stare at for too long without worry of having your head ripped off. They’re more the type you admire in passing, quick glances taken before finding something else more interesting, like a speck on your shoe or a stain on the ceiling.

But now, staring at him while he stares back, it’s the first time I notice the green flecks in his amber eyes and the height of his cheekbones that only define his square jaw better. The perfect line of his nose leads down to full lips, his cheeks dusted with stubble that matches his dark brown hair.

I also notice a faint scar above his right eyebrow and another that runs along the left line of his jaw. Briefly wondering if that’s how Emily tells them apart, I sit back in my chair and take a sip of my beer.

Ezra studies me just as closely, his brows tugged together in hesitation as he picks up a pack of cards.

“Do you play poker?”

Sadly, this is probably the second time we’ve ever had a civil conversation. “No. I know how to play Go Fish.”

The corner of his lip curls, and I damn near melt to see it. Why do these guys have to always act like thugs when they’ve got a smile as nice as that?

Ezra starts dealing the cards and drinks down half of his beer in one tug. After picking up his stack, he moves a few around and asks, “Got a three?”

It’s impossible not to laugh. “You didn’t bring me here to play Go Fish.”

He shrugs, his eyes lifting to mine. “You looked like you needed to get away from Gabe. Want to tell me why?”

“He’s a liar, a fraud and a complete dick.”

His grin tilts higher. “Fair enough. Copyright 2016 - 2024