Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,139

on finding Brinley and getting close to her.”

Tanner runs a hand through his hair. “Tomorrow, Gabe and I will work on drawing up a lawsuit against Governor Callahan on behalf of Luca. Mail fraud alone for him having that envelope will set the ball rolling, and we’ll figure out what else to add to it with the information we have.”

His eyes turn back to me. “Until we get everything in place, you need to stay somewhere safe. Daddy can’t arrest you if he can’t find you, so I suggest you stay at Gabe’s-“

“No,” I say interrupting him. “That’s not happening. I’ll stay at Emily’s house.”

“He’ll look for you there.” Tanner glances at Gabriel. “Take her home with you-“

“I’m not going with him,” I snap. “I’ll stay on the fucking streets before going anywhere near him.”

“Stop being stupid,” Gabriel says from where he stands near the bar. “I think you’ve done enough idiotic things to land us where we are.”

Teeth grinding, I refuse to look at him.

My eyes lock on Tanner. “I’m not staying with him.”

“She can stay with me.”

All our heads turn Ezra’s direction. He laughs and shrugs.

“What? She can’t go to Emily’s, and Gabe’s an asshole, so I can’t blame her for wanting to stay away from him. She might as well come to our house since nobody will get past us to get to her.”

He has a point. If it’s muscle that’s needed to protect me, I’d put money on the twins being the best choice.

Tanner stares at them, looks at me, and back to them. “Yeah, but Ivy has a habit of pissing people off. If that happens, who can get past you to save her?”

Also a good point.

“Absolutely fucking not.”

Everybody turns to look at Gabe, even me this time because I have to admit I’m enjoying the rage simmering behind his eyes as he stares down Ezra.

His jaw tics once as his fingers blanch over the glass he’s holding like his life fucking depends on it.

Fuck him.

“I’ll stay with Ezra,” I announce, my sweet smile in place when Gabe’s stare slides my direction with disapproval rolling behind it.

Tanner sighs. “What the fuck ever. I don’t care. Ivy stays with Ezra and Damon. Now everybody needs to get the fuck out of my house. I’m tired and pissed off and don’t want to deal with this anymore tonight.”

Works for me, I think. I’m tired and pissed off, too.

Pushing up to my feet, I start walking in Ezra’s direction only to have a hand lock over my arm.

“Let me go.” I try to yank my arm from Gabriel’s fist, but he only scowls at me before dragging me back to the kitchen.

Once inside, he kicks the door shut and pins me against a wall with his palms planted on either side of my head. His furious green eyes stab daggers into mine.

My chin tilts in defiance because the last thing I’m going to do is let this asshole intimidate me.

“You’re not going with Ezra.”

Laughing at that, I cross my arms over my chest.

“I’m not sure how you plan to stop me, Gabriel, or why you even care. You made it perfectly fucking clear this is all one big game to you and that you’ve won. Well, congratu-fucking-lations. Should I have the trophy engraved in your name or have it made out to Fraud? Also, would you like strippers at the celebration, or are clowns and balloon animals sufficient?””

His lips pull into a smile, and I’m about five seconds from slapping it off.

“You’ll do what I tell you-“

“Oh, we’re here again? Do you expect me to behave? I hate to break this to you, but you don’t get to tell me you’ve been using me and then turn around and make demands of me. So give me one good reason why I shouldn’t go with Ezra? Tanner is okay with it. I’m being babysat until you all get what you want.”

I can’t help it at this point. My voice comes out on a scream. “So what the fuck is the problem?”

He doesn’t flinch in response to me yelling in his face. Gabriel just stands there glaring down at me, the smile slipping only because it curves down into a sneer.

Thank God for Ezra. He walks in and prevents this from going further.

“You ready?”

My eyes stay locked to Gabriel’s, my words mimicking his bullshit statement from earlier.

“Yeah. Gabriel and I are done here.”

Slamming my palms against his chest, I shove him away. Surprisingly, he lets me, his eyes burning holes Copyright 2016 - 2024