Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,115

wave as he heads to the front door.

Shoving up to my feet, I glare at everyone when they start to crack up.

Ivy looks at me with suspicion. “What’s going on?”

“Remember how you were pissed off about Lacey?”

“Yeah,” she answers, her eyes glimmering.

“So was I.”

The front door opens at that second, the sound of ice water splashing down from the bucket I set up earlier followed by What the fuck? Who the fuck? Somebody is going to die!

The guys bust out laughing, and Luca taps my shoulder. “You better run, Gabe.”

I take off at a dead run toward the back staircase, Tanner rounding the corner into the living room to see me hauling ass.

He’s fast on my heels all the way up the stairs, his fingers fisting in the back of my shirt. One hard tug brings me to my knees, my body sliding down three stairs before I manage to wriggle out of the shirt to escape.

I make it upstairs before he can grab my legs, and I lock myself in a bathroom just as he crashes against the door. My body slides down the door as I laugh my ass off at the expression I saw on his face.

The door shakes as he bangs a fist against it. “You will die for this, Gabe! I’ll get even.”

It only makes me laugh harder.

“Son of a bitch. What the fuck is wrong with people?” he mutters as his footsteps storm off, the heavy thud audible all the way down the stairs.

Wiping tears from my eyes, I try to think of the last time I laughed so hard.

It’s sad to think that it’s been well over thirteen years.


Pulling up to the gate of my parents’ house, I flash a smile at the security guard, my fingers gripping the wheel as he hits a button to let me drive through.

My eyes stay locked to the iron gate that slides open, a smooth voice rolling through the car speakers from a man with a tongue dipped in silver.

“I’m surprised to see you actually went straight there. And here I thought you’d try to ditch the car and run again.”

Laughing at the thought, I pull along the winding driveway, past the manicured lawns and colorful flower gardens. This place is nowhere near as peaceful as the land that surrounds Gabriel’s house.

“What makes you think I’m not ditching the car here? Just gives me a few more hours to run while you think I’m behaving.”

“I’ll chase you.”

“Good luck catching me.”

Gabriel laughs. “I think I’ve already proven how adept I am at running you down.”

He has. But still, I won’t admit it.

“I’ll just stay in public. That way I can scream when you catch up.”

More soft laughter, the sound dark and heated. “It’ll be hard to scream with my cock in your mouth, but if you enjoy lying to yourself, I’ll allow it.”

I shiver at the promise. “Fine. I’m not running.”

“That’s a shame. Hunting you down was always so much fun.”

Turning a corner, my parents’ mansion appears at the end of the driveway, the three-story windows reflecting the blue skies above my head.

“I’m pulling up to the house now. I’m sure once I tell my dad that I’ve seen the errors of my ways and decided to marry the most annoying man on the planet, he’ll kick me out immediately. I should be heading back in fifteen minutes or less.”

There’s humor in Gabe’s voice. “Express delivery is always preferable. Especially when we have so much to discuss.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re at work. We can’t discuss anything there now that Tanner has officially banned me.”

“You’re banned from his office only. My door is still very much open. Come here when you leave your dad’s place.”

“Will do.”

Gabriel hangs up as I pull up to park behind another car in front, a breath leaking out of my lungs filled with the dread I feel.

The last thing I want to do is upset my dad, and I also don’t want to find out that he’s been just as horrible as Gabriel’s father. But after learning he’d practically married me off when I was a kid, after discovering how he was once tied the Inferno families, I don’t know what to expect when I walk in there today to talk.

I open my door and silently wish that Gabriel was with me. We decided last night that it would be better if I was alone, that my father would be more likely to admit the truth if Gabe wasn’t standing in the Copyright 2016 - 2024