Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,114

you were in a bad mood.”

Tanner should have left it alone. “What can I say? It was a good discussion. I’m sorry if you know nothing about that.”

I elbow Luca’s leg and glance up at her. “I’m more sorry for you, though.”

She laughs so hard her face turns red, the rest of the room cracking up again.

Tanner scowls and points at me. “I’ll deal with you later. Back to the game plan.” Pausing, his brows pull together. “Fuck, where were we?”

Releasing a breath, I remind him, “Ivy and I are dealing with her dad tomorrow. Taylor is looking into Everly. Shane is trying to cozy up to Brinley, and -“

Brinley’s name reminds me of something. I turn to glance up at Ivy.

“You really did look like you had something to say about that earlier. What was it?”

Her eyes round, “Oh. Nothing, except I think I know Brinley.”

“Wait, what?” Tanner asks. “And you weren’t going to say anything?”

“Sorry, I was behaving.” She gives him the same saccharine grin that makes me want to bend her over a damn table every time I see it.

Squeezing her hand, I drag her attention to me and tease, “Behave.”

Ivy winks at me and looks up at Tanner.

“I didn’t put two and two together with her and Jerry, but she has an uncommon first name so it reminded me. Brinley used to come over to my dad’s house when she was younger with her family. It’s been years since I’ve talked to her, but if someone has a picture of her, I can probably recognize her.”

“How much younger?” Tanner asks.

“Before I left for college.”

His stare drops down to mine, and he doesn’t need to point out the obvious. Something has been going on for a long time. Apparently, since before we were out of high school.

Once again, another question is answered which breeds a hundred more.

After a few seconds, Tanner’s gaze dances between Ivy and me. “Try to get more on that when you two talk to Governor Callahan tomorrow. I’m not sure where to go with this until we have more information.”

Taylor stands up from his seat and walks across the room to show Ivy his phone.

Her fingers tangle through mine at the same time she says, “Yeah, that’s Brinley. I would recognize that face anywhere. Although-“

She leans forward to take a closer look at whatever Taylor is showing her. Tapping the screen with her finger, voices filter through the speaker, a mix of laughter and music. “Is she at Myth?”

My brow shoots up at that.

Myth is an underground club that very few people know about. Only those in the right social circles know how to find it. It got its name for that exact reason. If you’re not part of the right crowds, it doesn’t actually exist.

“Yeah,” Tanner answers, “which is why I assigned Shane to her. He has a reputation for going there.”

Casting a quick glance at Shane, I see the corner of his lip quirk. “You could have mentioned that before.”

“Glad to hear you’re happier to help us out now.”

Shane flips Tanner off and nudges Jase with a shoulder. “I’ll take this asshole with me. Maybe we can find someone to get him over Everly.”

“Fuck off,” Jase snaps. “But yeah, I’ll go.”

“Then we’re done here,” Tanner says on an exhaled breath. “Thank fuck because I want to go home.”

He glares at Ivy. “Anything you want to tell me before I walk outside?”

She bats her lashes, that damn halo in place again. “What would I have to say?”

Smirking down at her, Tanner’s arrogance is on full display. “I’m just making sure my tires are still inflated and my car won’t fall apart as soon as I open the door. Things have a tendency to get damaged around you.”

A few of the guys chuckle, and I shoot them a look to shut them up.

“I don’t know, Tanner. Have you been an unreasonable dick to anybody in the last few hours?”


“Then you should be fine.”

I lift a hand to hide my grin.

“Good to hear,” he grumbles. Reaching over to offer Luca a hand and help her up from her seat, Tanner says, “Let’s go.”

Allowing him to pull her to her feet, Luca glances around. “Crap. I left my purse in the kitchen. You go ahead, and I’ll meet you at the car.”

“Fine.” His eyes shoot down to me. “I can’t wait to get home anyway because we have some things to discuss.”

It takes effort to keep from laughing.

“I’ll see everybody later,” Tanner says with a Copyright 2016 - 2024