The Fortunates (Unfortunate #2) - Skyla Madi Page 0,53

convincing anybody.

I lift my head and slide my palms over his chest. “Later.” I kiss his mouth. “There are more important things that require my attention.”

“Your health is—”

I grab his face in my hands and kiss him harder, forcing my tongue into his mouth. Kaden’s hand snaps to my ass and air is sucked from my lungs as his mouth devours mine. Forcing myself onto him is all it takes to break his self-control, to revert him back to the hungry beast he was in the shower. That’s what I want. That’s what I need.

We’ve made love. I’ve had my fill of that. Now I want him, the raw him. The primal him.

Why? Because I don’t feel pretty. I don’t feel desirable, especially not after seeing myself in the mirror. I want to be crushed under his desperation and smothered by his need. As sad as it is, I want to feel like I did when I was his Unfortunate. He wanted me then. Maybe it’s the alcohol making me feel insecure and irrational…either way, I want him to rip this shirt from my body.

Kade flicks his hips and traps me in a fumble as he rolls me to the side, pinning my back against the lounge. Heat blooms under my skin and the bowl of berries spills over and rolls over my legs. Berry juice runs up my thighs and soaks into the couch as Kaden moves to suck at my neck.

“Sex then food,” he says, positioning himself between my legs.

“Rinse and repeat,” I gasp.

I reach for his pants and pop the button. He grinds his hips into mine, pinning my hands between us.

“No rinse. Just repeat,” he murmurs, biting my skin between his sharp teeth. I hiss and he snaps his face to mine, sucking my lip into his mouth.

Kade lifts his body, freeing my hands. With them, I grab his zipper and push it down. His pants loosen and slip down his hips, inching over the curve of his ass. He releases my lip and rests his forehead against mine. With a gentle sigh, he plants a tender kiss on the tip of my nose. “What do you want from me?”

Everything. I want everything.

His love…

His name…

His children…

His hopes…

His dreams…

His heart.

I want him and all that comes with him.

“Just you.” I swallow hard. “Only you.”

Crunching my body, I slide his slacks down his thighs until they bunch at his knees. Keeping my eyes on his, I smooth the palms of my hands up his strong quadriceps muscles, over the scar of his bullet wound, and along his clenching stomach. My chest rises and falls with quick breaths. He notices it and I see it click in his eyes. He realises how bad I want him.

And he understands.

Kaden rears back onto his knees and I fight hard to keep my stare north of his belly button. I fail miserably, of course, but my gaze doesn’t stray for long. He grips the hem of my shirt in his hands and tugs it outwards, sending buttons scattering in opposite directions. They bounce across the floor and skid over table tops, but they don’t pull my attention from the burning desire in Kade’s face. I slide my hands over my stomach, covering the scratches and bruises. He watches me, frowning as I move my palms over my hip bones.

“What are you trying to hide?” he asks, grabbing my wrists.

I tell him, resisting as he tries to guide my hands away. “They’re not nice.”

He flinches and releases my wrists. “They’re not nice?”


I sink my teeth into my lower lips as Kade glides his palm over my left hip. “You know what they tell me?”


“That my woman is a warrior.”

I scoff. “A warrior? You’re crazy.”

“It’s true. Your body reminds me that, unlike everyone around you, you had to fight to get where you are. You think a few scrapes and bruises affect how I see you? You could lose an arm tomorrow and I’d still want to be with you.”

“You would?” I touch his forearms and slide my fingers up over his biceps as my heart balloons in my chest.

He lowers his body against mine, pressing our hips together. “I fell in love with your humanity. Not your appearance.”

He’s soft and sensual, feeling like silk against me. Like always, our bodies connect, effortlessly slipping together like the pieces of a puzzle. He dances the tips of his fingers down my thigh and glides them under my calf. With a gentle tug, he hooks my Copyright 2016 - 2024