The Fortunates (Unfortunate #2) - Skyla Madi Page 0,52

chest. I rub my cheek against it. It’s warm and fluffy. Nothing like the dry, scratchy pieces of fabric I was used to at the Unfortunate camp. These towels are like soft pieces of cloud in comparison.

Kade dries himself quickly and slips into his slacks while I remain in the shower, cuddling the towel like an idiot. Where is he going, anyway? I’m not finished with him.

Eventually, I get out unscathed and I even manage to dry my hair without knocking myself out. I grab Kaden’s shirt off the floor and shrug into it. As I button it up, I study myself in the mirror. I’m still thin. Still sick and gross looking. How Kade can even stomach having sex with me I have no idea. At least my bruises are turning from purple to yellow. That’s a plus.

I squint at my reflection. My eyes seem small and tired. Is it a side effect to the alcohol? Does everyone look like shit when they drink too much? I shrug. Eh. I might not look good, but I feel good, and that’s the main thing.

I don’t know how long I spend in the bathroom brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and spraying perfume in my eyes, but when I come out I’m overwhelmed by the delicious smells. I inhale through my nose and fill my lungs with heaven. Aaah. I could eat a horse.

“It smells good,” I say, tiptoeing into the room.

Kade sits in the middle of the couch, shirtless and comfortable, cradling a bowl of assorted berries in his hand. He smiles at me as he lifts his leg and rests his ankle on his knee. “I didn’t know what you’d want so I got a bit of everything. Bread. Meat. Fruit. Vegetables.”

I scan over the food on the coffee table. The extravagant platters barely fit. Does he really expect me to eat so much? It’s such a waste. Besides, I don’t want to eat. Not yet.

Kade slips a blueberry into his mouth and crushes it between his strong teeth. “Come here.”

Lowering his leg, he sets his bowl on the armrest as I meander over to him.

“You’re not going to force feed me, are you?”

Kade leans forward and grabs me behind the knees. “Force? No. Feed? Yes.”

He pulls my thighs either side of his and tugs me forward. I squeak as I drop into his lap, straddling his hips. My stomach coils at the feel of his strong, hard muscles against my bare ass.

Food? How can he think of food at a time like this? Do I not drive him crazy the way he drives me crazy?

Kade grabs his bowl and holds it in front of me. Without protest, I pluck a blackberry out, pinching it between my thumb and index finger, and examine it. Berries are Kaden’s favourite, which I find intriguing. One would assume a man of his size favours steak, but no. Berries are his go-to snack.

I remember the time he wrote on my skin with a berry. It had stained me. I glance at the berry in my hand. A drop of juice rolls down my thumb and onto my wrist, leaving a purple trail in its wake.

“Do you remember writing your name on my skin?” I ask, smiling sweetly.

“I remember,” he says as I lower the berry to his chest. His body clenches beautifully. “Don’t waste it.”

I lift my gaze and our eyes lock. His concern would be endearing if the hunger behind it wasn’t so overpowering.

My lips twitch. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

I press the berry against the middle of his chest and push it around, bypassing his nipples. As I curve it down toward his belly button, he snatches my wrist and lifts the berry from his skin.

His eyes are black and growing darker by the second and the hairs on the back of my neck stick up in the most delightful way as he guides the squished berry to my mouth.

“Eat it,” he orders.

I part my lips and allow him to push it into my mouth. It’s soft and sweet on my tongue. I swallow it without chewing.


I shrug. “I think all the flavour is absorbing into your skin.”

Kade’s beautiful black irises dance with indecent excitement and I can’t help myself. I crane my neck and lower my mouth to his chest, allowing myself a taste of the berry. Under my lips, his hard stomach muscles tense and he groans deep in his chest.

“You need to eat,” he mutters, but he’s not Copyright 2016 - 2024