The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,98

a breath and stood.

“Congratulations,” Huntley said.

“That’s enough now,” the guard said, earning a scowl from each of them. “You have to leave.”

“Be strong, Ida.” Simon stepped right up against the bars and pulled her in for a kiss. “Know that I love you with all that I am and that I will return for you as soon as possible.”

Additional tears sprang to her eyes. “I love you too.”

Simon gave her fingers a squeeze before he withdrew his hand. And then she heard Guthrie’s voice, low and measured. “Fielding is gathering troops for the battle ahead. He’s not afraid to ask for help and he’s very determined to win. I thought you should know that.”

“Thank you,” she rasped. It was comforting to know she wasn’t alone. Some of England’s most powerful men were going to help her. The only question was whether or not it would be enough against the devious foe they were up against.

Chapter Nineteen

Accompanied by Guthrie, Simon left the Bow Street Magistrate’s Court and headed to his uncle’s house on Frith Street. Seated in the carriage, he glared out the window, aware he’d never before been in such a foul mood. He hated seeing Ida behind bars, hated the injustice she faced, and hated how helpless it made him feel. Something had to be done and speaking with Elliot would be a good start.

“Allow me to announce you,” Elliot’s butler said as soon as he saw Simon.

“That won’t be necessary,” Simon told him. “I trust my uncle is in his study?”

“Well yes—” the butler’s gaze darted to Guthrie “—but you cannot simply…”

Simon strode past him without bothering to listen to his insistence that protocol be observed. Instead, Simon located the door he sought and pushed it open without bothering to knock.

“What the…” Elliot was sitting behind his massive desk, his chair slightly turned so he could keep his foot propped on a stool.

“Allow me to introduce the Duke of Windham to you,” Simon said. “Perhaps you know him better as Carlton Guthrie.”

Elliot’s eyes widened. “You brought the Scoundrel of St. Giles into my home?”

“Indeed.” Guthrie moved further into the room. “I’ve always had a particular dislike for liars, and it seems to me you’re a prime one.”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Elliot said between clenched teeth.

“No?” Guthrie’s voice was calm and soothing, yet horrifyingly malicious. “Then allow me to remind you.”

Simon crossed his arms and planted his feet wide apart. When Elliot glanced toward him, he merely frowned. This was about seeing justice served and rescuing Ida. His uncle’s comfort would have to come last.

“Perhaps you’re unaware, but Miss Strong happens to be a very dear friend of mine, and I’d hate to see her punished on account of your dishonesty.” Approaching Elliot, Guthrie braced one hand on his shoulder, leaned forward, and pressed his palm down on Elliot’s thigh. “Maybe you’d like to tell the chief magistrate what truly happened?”

Elliot winced in response to the pain. “I did tell the truth. Miss Strong tried to kill me.”

Simon clenched both fists. “Stop. Lying.”

“She thinks I’m to blame for her father’s death,” Elliot gasped.

“Are you?” Simon asked.

“Don’t be absurd.”

Simon shared a look with Guthrie who eased away from Elliot and crossed his arms. “What were your dealings with Harold Baker?”

Elliot stared up at Guthrie. “What the hell does that have to do with anything?”

“Answer the damn question,” Simon clipped.

With a disgruntled look in Simon’s direction, Elliot said, “He was employed at the Shadwell Gun Works – a company I’ve visited many times as a shareholder. When I learned Baker was not just an excellent smith but a skilled craftsman, I engaged him to fix a pendant for my late wife. Part of it had broken off, you see, and I thought I’d surprise her by making it look like new. When none of the jewelers I visited said they could make the repair without ruining it, I decided to give Baker a try after he assured me it could be done.”

“And?” Simon asked.

“Baker proved himself to be very capable,” Elliot said. “Sarah was overjoyed when I gave it to her. I like to think wearing it gave her some joy during the time she had left. Too bad Baker got so blistering drunk he went and drowned himself in the Thames, or I would have recommended him to others.”

Simon stared at his uncle while trying to grasp what he’d just been told. Turning, he met Guthrie’s gaze. “I don’t think he was involved in Matthew Strong’s arrest.”

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