The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,97

case. It wasn’t until I brought Guthrie and Huntley back with me that I was permitted entrance. Having two formidable dukes on one’s side is deuced useful, I must say.”

Ida managed a smile, albeit a slightly wobbly one. “Thank you for coming.”

“I hope you didn’t doubt that I would.” There was an element of sheepishness about his eyes but it didn’t quite hide his unease.

“Of course not.” She glanced at Guthrie and Huntley, who stood a bit further back, before returning her attention to Simon. “Your uncle was there when they arrested me. I think all of this is his doing.”

“I know it is. I’ve already spoken to him. Ida, he wants you gone, which has to mean he’s the man who framed your father. I’m so sorry I didn’t realize it sooner. Everything pointed to Kirksdale and then to Elmwood. My uncle was the least likely suspect until he approached you at the house, and even after that I dismissed him when it turned out he just wanted to bribe you.”

“We’ve considered the possibility of it being all three men and of Mr. St. John possibly being involved too. They could have been working together. We mustn’t forget that.”

“You’re right. I’m just not sure how we’re going to prove it, and with you imprisoned now, time is running out.”

“We’re doing what we can to have the charges against you dropped,” Guthrie said. “We’ve contacted our solicitors. Turns out Fielding and I use the same one. And after we leave here, I intend to have a little heart to heart with Mr. Nugent. If we can get him to tell the truth, your innocence won’t be hard to prove.”

“You must not be disheartened,” Huntley told her, “especially not with Windham, Fielding, and me in your corner. And I can get both of my brothers-in-law to support you as well, which means you’d have four dukes and an earl on your side.”

Ida appreciated the gesture but…

“It will all come down to the judge’s ruling.” And she feared Simon’s uncle would make sure the last thing she got was a fair trial. “Do you know who the judge will be?”

“No. The date of the trial hasn’t been determined yet, but I intend to find out,” Simon promised.

“Simon, I worry that—”

“Visiting time is over,” a thick male voice called from the end of the hallway.

“One moment,” Simon told the guard over his shoulder before fixing her with a direct stare. “Ida, this isn’t how I imagined it would be. My intention was to have a grand dinner party last night with you as the guest of honor.”


“Please listen, because this is important. I invited the Warwicks, the Huntleys, the Windhams, the Kirksdales, and the Elmwoods, because I wanted to propose to you in front of all the people before whom I never gave you enough support. I meant to prove myself to you – to show you that I would be proud to call you my wife and that I would never regret marrying you. Not in a million years. But since the chance to do so was taken from me, Guthrie and Huntley and that guard over there will have to serve as the only witnesses, because while I’m willing to fight tooth and nail for your freedom no matter what, it would mean a great deal if you would permit me to do so as your fiancé.”

Clasping her hand, he sank to one knee. “I want you to know how vital you are to my happiness, how terrified I was I might lose you. You are my world, Ida. Nothing makes sense without you in it, which is why I hope and pray you will accept my offer.” He took a deep breath. “Marry me, Ida. Be my wife and let me love you until I draw my last breath.”

With tears blurring her vision, Ida stared into Simon’s upturned gaze. He was making his feelings for her abundantly clear, not just in private this time, but in front of others. It shook her, for she’d not dared imagine they could ever be truly happy together without fear of judgment or scandal. But he was choosing to disregard the opinion of others in order to build a life with her by his side. He was announcing his devotion to her as if no one else in the world mattered, and Ida’s heart soared in response.

“Yes,” she managed with a sob. “Yes, I will marry you.”

“Thank Christ,” he muttered as he blew out Copyright 2016 - 2024