The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,95

of man who put money aside for later. That same day, Princhet and Mr. St. John had a heated argument. It could have been work related, but it might also have had something to do with a lack of discretion on Princhet’s part. I’ve put two informants on it, so I’m hoping I’ll know more tomorrow.” Guthrie eyed Simon with unnerving consideration. “What I’m curious to know is whether or not you’re prepared to press charges against your uncle if it turns out he had a hand in what happened.”

“Yes.” Simon held Guthrie’s gaze. “As you can imagine, I hope it won’t be him, but I am prepared to see him punished if need be.”

“I must say, I don’t misjudge people often, but you are starting to prove yourself a much better man than I’d ever have thought possible.” His eyes glinted with hidden depths of knowledge. “Ida is lucky to have you.”

Simon thanked him and finished his drink, then took his leave.

Excitement buzzed through him, quickening his stride with the need to return home as swiftly as possible so he could prepare for the evening ahead. With Guthrie’s blessing secured, only one thing remained – Ida’s agreement. And she would say yes. Of course she would. How could she not once he told her he loved her in front of everyone who’d thought less of her and those who’d doubted he had the courage to do right by her? He would declare himself in front of the Warwicks, the Huntleys, and the Windhams. He’d ask her to be his wife while the Elmwoods and Kirksdales watched. And he’d do so without caring what they might think because all that mattered was winning her hand.

His heart started pounding with nervous trepidation. Soon. Just a few more hours to go and the world that had been so off balance since she’d told him she wouldn’t be his mistress would once again feel comfortable and right.

Secure in this knowledge, he climbed the steps to his house and was seconds away from placing his key in the lock when the door burst open and Miranda, wide eyed and red faced, almost barreled straight into him.

“My lord,” she gasped. “Thank God you’re here.”

Simon’s heart immediately stumbled. “What is it? What’s happened?”

“It’s Miss Strong, my lord. The chief magistrate came to the house with runners. They want to take her away, so I came to find you as quick as—”

Simon didn’t wait to listen to anything else the maid had to say. He took off running, racing through the streets connecting the two houses until he spotted the one where he and Ida had been living. It was just there, right up ahead, but why was the front door open and why was Claus, one of the men Guthrie had sent over for protection, arguing with a stranger on the front steps? Was that Elliot’s carriage over there?

Dread seeped into Simon’s veins, freezing his blood. He wasn’t sure what exactly was happening yet, but none of what he saw boded well. Needing to make sure Ida was still there he kept running, not pausing for breath until he reached the front door. “What’s going on?”

Claus turned. “Ida’s been charged with attempted murder. The chief magistrate has arrested her and taken her to Bow Street. I’m trying to explain to this here constable that he’ll have the Duke of Windham to deal with unless they release her right away.”

“Never mind Windham,” Simon said as he moved in front of the constable. “I’m here now and I demand an explanation.”

“And who might you be?” the constable asked.

Simon straightened himself to his full height and glared down at the smaller man. “The Earl of Fielding.”

The constable grunted. “Then I’d suggest you speak with that gentleman over there.” He nodded toward Elliot’s carriage. “As I understand it, Mr. Nugent is your relation?”

Simon frowned. “He’s my uncle.”

“Well, he’s also the one pressing charges.” The constable tipped his hat. “Good day, my lord.”

Simon bristled.

“The way I see it,” Claus muttered, “you’d best have a word with your uncle.”

“And you’d better go and tell Guthrie what’s happened.” Simon clenched his fists. “Let him know I intend to do what I can to have the charges dropped.”


Too furious to think of the repercussions he himself might face at Guthrie’s hands, Simon marched toward the carriage and flung the door open. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Putting your life back in order,” Elliot barked.

“You’ve no right,” Simon snapped. “Ida is just as Copyright 2016 - 2024