The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,94

adorned with a prominent aquamarine and diamonds that matched the necklace he’d already given Ida, he put the box away and prepared to head over to Windham House.

“My lord?” Winthorp said, approaching Simon in the foyer. “Everyone you’ve invited has confirmed they will be there. Except your uncle.”

“Thank you, Winthorp.” Simon turned to Deerford. “I will leave you to make sure the kitchen is ready. With everyone arriving at seven, I expect we will dine at eight.”

“Very good, my lord.”

Donning his hat and gloves, Simon walked the short distance to Guthrie’s house.

“His Grace is not at home at the moment.”

Simon’s heart dropped. “Do you know when he might be expected?”

“Within the hour, I should think.” Simon pondered what to do. It was just after four. The guests weren’t due to arrive until seven, and it wouldn’t take too long for him to get ready. “Perhaps I can wait for him in the parlor?”

The butler raised an eyebrow, appeared to consider the matter briefly, and finally stepped aside to grant Simon entry. Simon handed over his hat and gloves and was swiftly shown into the parlor. A tea tray was brought in. Simon lowered himself onto the sofa and hoped it wouldn’t be too long before Guthrie arrived. He eyed the tea service and stood. A nervous kind of energy bubbled inside him. He paced the floor, returned to his seat, poured a cup of tea, and tried to relax. He glanced at the clock. The hands were barely moving. With a sigh he got up again, went to the window, and looked out onto the street.

What the devil was taking Guthrie so long?

Simon turned and was just about to resume his seat once more when he heard a noise – the distinct sound of the front door opening and closing followed by muted voices. And then the parlor door finally opened and Guthrie appeared.

“Fielding.” His voice was even. “What brings you here?”

“Ida is fine,” Simon felt compelled to say since the man looked like he was trying to decide how to treat his visit. “There’s a matter I’d like to discuss with you before tonight’s dinner.”

Guthrie nodded, stepped further into the room, and shut the door. He glanced at the tea tray with a hint of disdain. “Would you rather a brandy?”

“Please.” The fortification would probably serve him well.

Guthrie filled two snifters and handed one to Simon. “So?”

Simon cleared his throat and held Guthrie’s gaze with every intention of proving just how determined he was in his goal. “Since Matthew Strong no longer lives and you’ve taken on something of a paternal role with regard to Ida, I thought I’d come to you. To ask for her hand in marriage.”

He wanted everything to be right this time. He needed to make sure that when he asked her, there would be no impediment to her accepting his proposal. Tonight, he would prove he loved her enough to deserve her – enough for her to put any lingering fears she had to rest – enough for her never to doubt he was making the right decision by choosing her as his wife.

The edge of Guthrie’s mouth slowly lifted until his expression turned into a smile. “I’m pleased. Very pleased indeed. And you have my blessing.”

“I do?” That was it? This was what he’d been dreading?

“As long as you swear to me you’ll make her happy.”

“Of course.”

“Excellent.” Guthrie smirked. “Because if you don’t, I will have to break your legs. A toast?”

Simon nodded and drank while wondering if the duke was serious about potentially causing him harm. Probably, considering the man’s history of violence.

A pause followed and then Guthrie said, “Regarding this business with her father. You should know, based on what I have uncovered so far, there’s a good chance your uncle was involved in the accusations made against him. According to the men I’ve spoken with, he was seen giving money to Harold on at least two occasions.”

A prickly sensation filled Simon with discomfort. While he was gradually reaching the same conclusion, he wasn’t quite ready to stop considering other options. “What about Mr. St. John? Your note suggested some of the testimonies you’d received had prompted you to look into him?”

“One of the men I spoke with said Princhet brought a brand new pocket watch to work with him the day before he broke into your house. It would have taken him months to save up for it with his regular wages, and my source claims he wasn’t the sort Copyright 2016 - 2024