The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,73

asked Blayne.

“It wasn’t too hard. Once I learned of your connection to Fielding, it didn’t take much to work out the rest. Not with Guthrie’s detailed catalog of London addresses.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Simon asked.

“I’m sorry for the intrusion, but I had to make sure you were well,” Blayne said, ignoring the question. “Holler if you need my assistance, aye? From what I recall, you suspect a marquess and an earl of being the real traitors?”

When Ida nodded, Blayne expelled a harsh breath. “Won’t be easy. It took two decades, a hell of a lot of luck, and some serious help for Guthrie to bring down a peer. And he’s as tough as they come, lass.”

“I know. But I have to try.”

“Aye. I suppose you do.”

Knowing it wouldn’t be long before Guthrie returned, Ida looked up at Blayne. “Will you tell him where I am?”

Blayne gazed down at her with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow. “He’ll be wanting a full report the moment he gets here. I can’t keep this from him.”

“Of course not.”

He glanced at Simon who was scowling back with disapproval. “I don’t want to know what’s between you two, but it seems you’re on a path that’s bound to stir up trouble and put you in danger.” His thoughtful gaze met Ida’s. “Are you sure he’s the man you want on your side for this?”

“Without a doubt,” Ida told him resolutely. “Fielding cares for me. He’ll do what’s needed to keep me safe.”

Blayne nodded, moved toward the door, and paused. “Is there anything I can do?”

Ida pondered that for a moment, then asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know a good forger, would you?”

Blayne scratched the back of his head. “Can’t say I do. Not besides that cur who was caught up in your disappearance last year.”

Ida shuddered at the memory. “Mr. Reynolds made counterfeit artwork. What we need is someone who could have forged the king’s seal.”

“Haven’t heard of any such person myself, but you can try asking some of the men who frequent The Black Swan. I’m headed back there right now. If you like, I can make a few inquiries and round up some lads who might know more than me. Stop by in a couple of hours if you’re able, and you can question them yourselves.”

“We would appreciate that a great deal,” Ida said. “Thank you.”

Simon made a non-committal grunting sound.

Ignoring him, Ida waited until Blayne was gone before turning to face Simon’s scowl. “He’s a good man and a loyal friend. You could have been nicer.”

“I’ve little respect for anyone linked with Guthrie.”

“You don’t even know him.”

“I know enough.” Simon shoved his hands in his pockets. “Guthrie may be the Duke of Windham now, but let’s not forget the criminal he was before he laid claim to the title. He killed people, Ida.”

“Only those who didn’t deserve to live.”

“He had no right to play judge and executioner.”

“You’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Ida snapped. “I was kidnapped and auctioned off alongside children as young as eight years old so men could lock us up in their basements and do despicable things to us. Don’t tell me they didn’t deserve to die or that you would have acted differently than he did when he came to find us.”

“Ida, I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have had to go through all that, and you’re probably right. I would have killed those men as well. But you have to admit that’s not all Guthrie’s done. I just…I’m not able to picture him in a good light.”

She knew it was hard to go against truths that had been ingrained. It was part of the reason why proving her father’s innocence would be an uphill battle. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course.” He moved toward her and cupped her cheek. “Without question.”

“Then believe me when I tell you that Guthrie is the most just man you’ll ever know. A formidable foe, but the best ally you could ever hope for.” Even though Simon offered no further dispute, she wasn’t so sure he believed her. “We have a few days until he gets back, which doesn’t give us much time to uncover the real traitor.”

Confusion marred Simon’s features. “If Guthrie’s as wonderful as you claim, why worry?”

“Because he’s not going to like this.”

Simon frowned. “What, exactly?”

“This.” She stepped back, moved away from his touch, and gestured between them. “You and me.”

Hard brackets appeared on either side of Simon’s mouth. “Ida, you’re your own woman, independent and strong. Copyright 2016 - 2024