The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,72

it was quickly covered by her robe. He closed his eyes and listened while Ida opened the bedchamber door and exchanged a few words with Miranda. Based on her urgent tone, the maid sounded distressed. Simon’s ears perked up. The words, “Hulking man…parlor…insists…see you,” had him sitting bolt upright within the next second.

“I have to get dressed,” Ida said. She began collecting her clothes.

Simon got out of bed and grabbed Ida’s arm, effectively halting her progress. “Who’s the visitor?”

“One of Guthrie’s men.” She pressed her lips together.

“And you want to meet him alone?” He stared at her in disbelief.

She sighed. “That was my plan, yes.”

“Out of the question.” After the night they’d just spent together, she would never be alone with another man ever again. “You stay here. I’ll go see what Whoeveritis wants.”

“Simon. I have to at least show my face.” She pulled her chemise over her head and began putting on her stays.

“Why?” She frowned while attempting to tie the garment. When she failed, he spun her around and did the job for her. “What difference can it possibly make whether—”

“Because it’s MacNeil.”

“Guthrie’s lieutenant?” Simon stared at Ida a moment, then scrambled to find his clothes. He knew of the brawny Scotsman. He was almost as famous as his employer and equally fearsome according to those who’d seen him. Good God. What if the man had come to threaten Ida in some way or haul her back to Guthrie’s house? No matter MacNeil’s purpose, Simon would do his best to protect her.

“Now that he knows I’m here, he will tear this house down brick by brick until he’s satisfied with my well-being and safety.” She grabbed Simon’s shirt and thrust it toward him before he’d finished putting on his trousers. “So if you want to come with me, I suggest you get ready fast, before he decides to come looking for me.”

“Christ,” Simon muttered. He took the garment and shoved his arms into the sleeves, then pulled on his hose and shoes and helped Ida button her gown.

Little else was said between them as they descended the stairs. They paused outside the parlor. Simon heard Ida take a deep breath and decided to follow suit. She opened the door and entered the room, her slight frame further dwarfed by the man who got up to greet her.

Good God!

Simon struggled to keep from gaping.

MacNeil might be wearing breeches and boots with a tailored blue jacket and waistcoat to match, but that didn’t make him look less like a Highland warrior ready for battle. The man had to be at least a head taller than he, maybe more, his arms twice as thick and his shoulders…

With furrowed brow, Simon planted his feet in a solid position and crossed his arms. He didn’t stand a chance against this man in combat, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to let that concern show.

“Ida.” Blayne gave her a swift head to toe perusal. “Thank Christ you’re unscathed.”

“I’m fine.”

Blayne frowned. “I hear you took a wee tumble a few days ago.”

“Who did you hear that from?”

“’Twas in the paper.” Blayne’s jaw hardened as he glanced toward Simon. “Guthrie won’t be happy with this.”

“Guthrie’s not here,” Ida pointed out. When Blayne didn’t argue that point, Ida turned to Simon. “Allow me to introduce you to Blayne MacNeil.”

When Simon just glared at Blayne without any indication of offering his hand, Ida turned back toward their unexpected guest. “This is the Earl of Fielding. He’s been helping me figure out who really aided in Napoleon’s escape from Elba so my father’s name can be cleared.”

Blayne gave Simon a closer look and finally shook his head. “From the looks of it, he’s been helping you with a lot more than that, lass.”

Simon cut through the room before Ida could blink and was suddenly glaring Blayne straight in the face. “My relationship with Miss Strong is none of your concern, so I would suggest you stay out of it.”

A nerve ticked next to Blayne’s left eye, but he held himself still, much to Ida’s relief, and eventually nodded. “Duly noted. Although you may want to brace yourself for when Guthrie gets back. Ida’s like family to him, you ken?”

Grabbing Simon’s arm, Ida pulled him back a step. She knew Guthrie viewed her as his responsibility. He wouldn’t like learning she’d been threatened and forced into action during his absence, and he probably wouldn’t want to trust anyone else with her protection either.

“How did you find me, anyway?” she Copyright 2016 - 2024