The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,67

not going to happen.”

“Damned fool.”

Simon turned away in disgust and went back to check on Ida. She was sitting exactly as he had left her, staring into her lap as if searching for answers.

With his chest tightly squeezing his heart, he closed his hand around hers and pulled her to her feet. “Come. Let’s get you upstairs so you can rest.”

“Will you stay with me today?”

“Of course.”

“And tonight?”

“If you wish.”

She nodded and let him escort her, only giving Elliot a brief glance as they moved to the stairs.

“We should probably get you out of this dress,” Simon said once they reached her bedchamber. “Here. Let me help.”

With the same amount of care he’d grown accustomed to using with her, he brushed aside the strands of hair that had fallen from her coiffure and popped the top button open. His pulse quickened as the fabric started to part, allowing a hint of her delicate spine before it disappeared beneath her chemise and stays. Sucking in a breath, he continued his task. Perhaps it was a sign of madness that he would marvel over every inch of skin he revealed. The last time he’d undressed her it had been dark and his eyes had been closed. This time, he let himself see as much as she would permit. The temptation to trace the curve of her spine with his fingers, to press a kiss to the nape of her neck, was almost irresistible.

His heart beat faster. Harder. He forced himself to refrain.

“All done,” he murmured as soon as the back of her dress had been fully opened and her stays loosened enough for her to manage the rest on her own. “Get some rest.”

“Thank you.” She turned, rose onto her toes, and pressed a kiss to his lips.

Everything inside him tightened, conveying an urgency so intense it took every piece of restraint he possessed not to wrap his arms around her, pull her flush against him, and let her gown slip from her shoulders so he could explore her more fully. Somehow, he managed to recall that Huntley would soon be arriving, that he still had his uncle to deal with, and that while he and Ida had shared a few kisses, she hadn’t suggested she might be ready for more.

So he waited for her to step back, then gave a swift nod and left. Returning to the foyer, he gave his uncle a brief look just to make sure he was still all right, then took a seat on the stairs and waited for Huntley’s arrival.

Dark afternoon shadows dimmed the daylight when Ida awoke. After Simon had left, she’d removed her dress and stays and tossed them both in a corner before climbing into bed. Staring at the ceiling, she allowed her thoughts to return to the earlier events of the day.

She’d shot someone and yet she’d not dissolved into tears or suffered a fit of hysterics. Yes, Mr. Nugent was still alive, but she would have thought she’d be more shaken. Perhaps the reason she wasn’t was because of how understanding Simon had been. He had given his full support. She’d heard him reprimand his uncle when he’d gone to speak with him, and her heart bloomed with warmth at the memory of it, dissolving whatever doubts she’d held on to after the incident at the ball.

Sitting up, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and pushed her feet into her slippers. It was time to find him and let him know how truly grateful she was, how much his being there for her meant, and how much he mattered to her.

Donning her robe, she tied the belt and proceeded downstairs. All was quiet, save for the clock ticking in the foyer, but a sliver of light coming from the dining room guided her forward. Reaching the door, she nudged it open a little bit more and glanced inside.

Her heart leapt and her stomach flipped over with joy.

There he was, hunched over the table. He was reviewing the information they’d found and making notes. His cravat had been discarded. The white length of linen hung loosely over the back of a chair. Ida smiled. She’d never seen him look quite this disheveled, with his hair all mussed and a hint of stubble lining his jaw.

“Is Miranda around?”

Simon started in response to her voice and glanced up. A smile lit his features and he almost knocked over his chair in his haste to stand.

“Ida.” Her name was like Copyright 2016 - 2024