The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,66

his hand stroked over her back. “It’s all right. You did well. Everything’s going to be fine.”

Having concluded his meeting with Mr. St. John faster than he’d expected, Simon had already been on his way to Number Five Bedford Street on foot when he’d seen Miranda hastening toward him. Her stricken expression had caused his stomach to drop as if weighed down by lead. The jumbled words that had followed, linking Ida’s name with his uncle’s and something about a shooting, had caused the fine hair at the nape of his neck to rise and a chill to prick at his skin.

Standing in the hallway now with Ida safe in his arms, he felt his panic subside while a series of forceful emotions rolled through him. There was intense anger toward his uncle for going behind his back, for barging in and compelling Ida to act as she had, but there was also pride and an overwhelming sense of relief. Ida had protected herself against a man she’d found threatening. She was unharmed and Elliot lived. It could have been worse.

“Miranda,” he said, reluctantly easing his hold on Ida and guiding her into the parlor where he helped her sit. “I need you to fetch the Duke of Huntley for me.”

Elliot would have to be taken to a hospital. Getting him into a carriage would not be easy, and once the task was accomplished, someone would have to go with him. Since Huntley had offered to help Simon if the need arose, Simon would ask him to accompany Elliot so he could remain here with Ida. Given what had happened, he wasn’t about to leave her side.

“Of course, my lord.”

Miranda left and Simon returned his attention to Ida. “Would you like some tea? Or perhaps something stronger?”

“Tea would be nice.”

He re-filled the half-empty cup she’d left on the table and handed it to her. “Here you are.”

“Thank you.” She took a careful sip and sighed. “I’m so sorry, Simon. I shouldn’t have shot him without being sure he meant to harm me. As it turns out, he didn’t. He just wanted to pay me off.”

“Pay you off?”

She took another sip of her tea, then set the cup aside. “He reached into his pocket for a promise note worth ten thousand pounds. I didn’t know what he was going for, but he’d entered the house without invitation, was coming toward me, and…after everything else, I panicked.” A steady sigh left her. “Guthrie always told me to aim for the legs when using a pistol. It stops the attacker in his tracks while keeping him alive for questioning.”

“You did well.” Simon crouched beside her and placed his hand on her arm. “Elliot threatened you the moment he walked into this house without invitation, so I’m glad you did what you did. Even if he meant you no physical harm, he still meant to get rid of you – to tempt you into leaving me after I’ve already told him to stay out of my business.”

“I know he’s your uncle, but I actually hope he turns out to be the man we’re after, so I didn’t shoot an innocent man because of a promise note.”

Simon squeezed her hand. He knew she felt bad for what she’d done now that she was able to sit and ponder how everything had played out and whether or not she’d been right to do what she did – if perhaps she ought to have said more, waited to see what was in Elliot’s pocket, acted differently.

It was an exercise in futility. What was done, was done. They had to deal with it now.

“I have to speak with him, Ida. Will you be all right here for a few minutes?”

“I’ll be fine.”

Satisfied with the confidence in her voice, Simon stepped out into the hallway where Elliot sat, still clasping his leg.

Simon stared down at him. “What the hell were you thinking?”

Elliot clenched his jaw and gave him a scowl.

“Breaking into homes and bribing people. That’s the sort of behavior reserved for thugs, not gentlemen.”

“Your whore—”

“Call her that one more time and I’ll put a lead ball through your other leg,” Simon snapped. “You had no right to be here. Least of all after I specifically told you to stay away from her.”

”Open your eyes,” Elliot said. “You’re so bloody besotted by her you can’t see how destructive she is. Your reputation is lying in the gutter right now because of her. You have to get rid of her.”

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