The Forgotten Man - Robert Crais Page 0,53

gone, Pike stood with me by my car. The sky was deepening, and I was anxious to go home.

Pike said, "Let me ask you something."

I waited.

"How'd a lightweight like Rick bring it this far?"

I filled him in on my meeting with Pardy and Diaz, and what I had learned about George Reinnike. Rick had brought it as far as he had because I hadn't been paying attention; I had been thinking about Reinnike.

Pike didn't say anything. He studied me, and some small part of me was left feeling ashamed.



The information operator gave Frederick the address and phone for the Elvis Cole Detective Agency on Santa Monica Boulevard. Frederick didn't call; he was worried that calling might somehow tip off Cole, so he just drove over. He found a spot on a side street two blocks away, then walked back with his shotgun. He carried the shotgun in its case, walking along with it tucked under his arm like a stubby package. No one seemed to notice. Frederick enjoyed believing that the people who noticed the case dismissed it as a musical instrument, a pool cue, or a fishing rod. People were so predictably stupid.

Cole's office was located in an older five-story building with Spanish styling. A narrow lobby opened off the street, having stairs and a rickety elevator as access to the upper floors. A directory hung across from the elevator. Cole's office was on the fourth floor. Frederick got into the elevator. When the door closed, he unzipped the end of his gun case. The door opened on the fourth floor. Frederick stepped off, then hesitated. His heart pounded, and his neck prickled. He took a fast step back onto the elevator, but held the door. He wondered whether or not Cole would recognize him. If Cole saw him first, Cole might be able to get the drop on him. Frederick thought it through; he would have to move fast and kill Cole before Cole realized what was happening, but there was a problem-

Frederick didn't know what Cole looked like.

Frederick stood frozen in place on the elevator, his heart hammering, seeing an entire room filled with men. How would he recognize Cole?

Frederick stepped off the elevator and moved down the hall. He didn't decide what to do so much as know it-he would kill everyone he found in Cole's office.

Frederick passed an open door, and heard a woman talking. The open door made him uncomfortable. He found Cole's office, and stood facing the closed door, breathing hard. He slid his right hand into the gun case and put his finger on the trigger. He made sure the safety was off. He gripped the knob with his left hand. It felt slick and wet.

The woman said, "He's not there."

Frederick clutched the knob and tried to turn it, but his wet palm slipped.

"He doesn't come in anymore, not since all that mess."

Frederick twisted and jerked the knob, pulling and pushing, but unable to open the door.

She said, "Excuse me."

Frederick realized someone was talking to him. A neatly dressed young woman with long fingernails stood in the open door across from Cole's. Frederick could see an older woman at a desk behind her. Frederick slipped his hand out of the case, and managed a smile.

"Oh, hi. I'm supposed to deliver this to Mr. Cole."

"He's hardly ever here anymore. You could leave it with us if you want."

"Oh, thanks, that's really nice, but I couldn't. Will he be here later?"

Frederick didn't like it that she glanced at the gun case, as if she was trying to figure out what was in the package.

She said, "I haven't seen him in weeks. I know he's been here, but he doesn't keep regular hours."

"Ah-huh, okay, well-he doesn't have a secretary or anything?"

"No, there's just him. You can leave it with us, though. We've done that before."

Frederick considered his options. He could probably find Cole's home address in Cole's office. He wanted to kick down the door, but couldn't very well do it with all these people across the hall. He would have shot Cole, but that would be that and he wouldn't mind if they saw; but if they saw him breaking into Cole's office, Cole would be tipped off.

Frederick said, "Where does he live?"

A frostiness rimed the woman's eyes.

"I wouldn't know."

Frederick said, "Well, I could just bring it up to his house. That would probably be okay."

"I'm sorry. I can't help you."

Frederick could see the stiffness as she turned away. Bitch. He tried Cole's door Copyright 2016 - 2024