Forever by Your Side (Willamette Brides #3) - Tracie Peterson Page 0,105

getting to know him, but I’ve known him for seven years. I can tell you from experience that he can be quite opinionated and bossy, but I’m sure you can handle him.”

Her father chuckled. “I just hope he can handle you. I wonder if Tom has really considered what he’s getting himself into.”

She leaned close. “Shh. We don’t want to scare him off.”

He laughed softly. “It’ll be our secret.”

Everyone in the cramped front room stood as Connie and her father entered just behind Mama. Connie smiled at everyone, confident and not a bit afraid. This was the most important day of her life, and she didn’t want to shy away from a minute of it. She wanted to memorize what everyone looked like.

Near the fireplace, Tom stood waiting. He was so handsome in his dark blue suit and tie. He watched her as if mesmerized. Connie wondered if he was nervous. He looked completely captivated with her, but she knew Tom was very good at concealing his fear.

Papa handed her off to Tom and then took his place before them. He was the only one in the world Connie had ever wanted to perform her wedding ceremony. She had thought about it since she was a little girl.

“Please, everyone, be seated,” her father declared. “At least those of you who have chairs.” Everyone chuckled.

There was a rustling sound as people took their seats, but Connie found it impossible to take her gaze from Tom’s face. She was marrying her best friend, the man who had always been there for her when no one else was. The one she could tell her troubles to and feel neither condemned nor belittled. He was the only one in the entire world with whom she could imagine spending her life.

“Thomas and Constance—Tom and Connie—we have come here today to witness your joining in holy matrimony.” She glanced at her father, and he winked. “But first, let us pray.”

Connie thought it the most perfect ceremony. She made her vows and pledged her heart and life, then listened as Tom did likewise. She didn’t feel at all afraid to face the future. Her life with Tom so far had been full of adventure. She had no doubt it would continue to be so as they faced the next year and the ones after that.

They laughed and talked throughout the wedding breakfast with family and the boardinghouse ladies. Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time. Bedelia Clifton had worn a fancy lace collar, and her sister, Cornelia, had placed a lovely pink bow and cameo at her neck. Even Alma stood faithfully beside Mrs. Weaver.

“Was the fussy hair your idea?” Tom asked Connie when they finally had a moment to themselves.

She smiled. “You know very well it wasn’t. The gown, however, was. Aunt Phinny brought it and several others that I had worn in Washington. This was always my favorite.”

“It’s the one you wore to the fund-raiser ball just before we left for Oregon.”

“Yes. How do you remember that?”

He looked at her with what she had come to recognize as love mingled with admiration. “I remember everything about you that night. I thought briefly of telling you how I felt, but something about it just wasn’t the right time.”

She reached up to touch his cheek. “I’m glad you waited.”

He covered her hand with his. “It wasn’t easy, let me tell you.” He took her hand and drew it to his lips. He kissed her fingers with great tenderness. “I love you more dearly every day I draw breath.”

“I still can’t believe you’ve loved me all these years. I loved you too, as a friend, but I never suspected the way you felt.”

“I worked hard to keep it hidden. I knew there was too much standing between us, and I couldn’t bear to think of declaring my love only to have you refuse me.” Connie relished the warmth as Tom drew her in his arms. “I know it would have been my undoing.”

“Well, you needn’t worry about that, Mr. Lowell. I will be now and always happily your wife and love, excited by the possibility of all that we will see as we walk life’s paths.”

“You’re starting to sound like a poet, Mrs. Lowell.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.

Connie felt all the butterflies and fireworks that had failed to come when Clint Singleton had forced his kiss on her. Tom’s kiss was more like a promise of things to come—a life of love Copyright 2016 - 2024