Forever by Your Side (Willamette Brides #3) - Tracie Peterson Page 0,104

then, I will do what I can to help further the cause. Of course, I might have to delay serving any causes for a time.” She smiled at her husband. “We’re going to have a baby.”

Connie jumped up and went to hug Faith, as did Nancy and Mama. “This is such wonderful news, Faith. When do you think the baby will be born?”

“Sometime in March.” She was positively glowing with joy.

“Congratulations,” Mama said, kissing her cheek. “Nothing can cheer a day like weddings and babies.”

Everyone agreed.

While the others continued to congratulate Faith and Andrew, Connie and Tom slipped closer to the fire. Tom took hold of Connie’s hands. “In case I haven’t told you lately, I love you.”

She smiled. “You tell me every hour of every day in the way you look at me and the way you treat me, but still I love to hear it. I love you too, and I’m sorry it took me so long to see it.”

Tom shook his head. “I think it had to be this way because I was so blind to the truth of who God was. I know you stopped talking to me about my beliefs and yours, but you never stopped being my friend, and for that I’m so grateful.”

“I’m sorry that I stopped defending my faith. I was so confused about what that faith really meant to me. Now I’m confident and will happily discuss and argue points with you anytime—anywhere.”

“I don’t think there will be any need for arguments. I find myself in complete agreement with what you believe.”

“And why not? The same man led us both to the Lord.” She glanced past Tom and looked at her father. The expression on her face was full of love. “I’m glad they’ll be close by. I hope you truly don’t mind.”

“Not at all. I still have so much to learn. I know your father won’t lead me astray when I ask him questions. We will be so blessed to attend your father’s church.”

“Oh goodness, don’t call it that,” Connie replied. “Papa has always been quick to correct anyone who suggests such a thing. The church belongs to God alone. Soli Deo Gloria. To God alone, the glory.”

He thought about that for a moment. “You know, Gloria might make a pretty name for a baby girl.”

Connie blushed and looked at the floor. It endeared her to him all the more.

Chapter 25

On the twenty-seventh of December, Connie stood in the same pale-yellow gown she’d worn to her last ball in Washington, DC. Aunt Phinny had brought it with her so Connie could use it for her wedding dress.

Mama totally approved. “It’s just the loveliest gown. So beautiful against your complexion and eyes. Are you sure you don’t want us to create some kind of veil? Nancy said she has some extra tulle and lace. I’m sure between me and your aunts, we could come up with the perfect notion to go with it.”

“No, I don’t need anything else. I’ve already let the lot of you give me fussy hair.” She grinned. “But I like it, and I’m thinking Tom will too.”

“Well, then, I believe it’s time for us to join the guests and get this thing done,” her father declared from the door. “It’s nearly nine o’clock. If you wait much later, we’ll be serving lunch instead of a wedding breakfast. And frankly, I’m starved.”

They all laughed at this, and then Mama kissed Connie’s cheek. “Be happy, my love. Never go to bed with anger between you, and always put the Lord first.”

Connie swallowed the lump in her throat. “Oh, Mama, Papa, I’m so blessed that you’re both here. So many have lost their family or parents. I get to have you both here as well as my aunts and uncles and cousins. It’s such a joyous celebration, and I’m particularly excited to see how Cousin Meg gets along with Aunt Phinny. I just know Meg would love living with them in Washington, DC.”

“Well, don’t push. Let it develop or fall apart on its own,” her mother warned. “Now, come on. Your father is right. It’s time.”

Connie took her father’s arm while her mother made her way ahead of them. Connie looked up and saw that her father’s eyes were damp. “Are you crying?”

He smiled. “I suppose I am. I never thought about giving my daughter—my only daughter—away to someone else.”

“Oh, Papa, you know better. You aren’t giving me away at all. You’re taking on Tom as your son. You’re just Copyright 2016 - 2024