Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,66

future in Vegas,” Mackenzie remarked with a smirk when he finally took a break from soaping duty.

“Gee, thanks.” Noah tossed a wet sponge at her, and she ducked, laughing.

“I’m serious. Aunt June has been documenting every minute of it. I don’t know if she’s planning to screen the tapes at the next town meeting or keep them for her private collection.”

Noah just shook his head. As much as he’d tried to keep the car wash from descending into a big shirtless ogle-fest, there was probably no fighting it. “Hey, as long as she donates the proceeds, I’m fine with it,” he said, grabbing a cold drink. “And I haven’t seen you pitching in,” he reminded her. “What happened to your town spirit?”

His cousin snorted. “I’ve paid my dues with these fundraisers for the last five years. You’re the one with catching up to do.”

Noah smiled. “Don’t tell anyone, but it wasn’t so bad, organizing this.” He looked around, taking in the sight of his friends and neighbors all having fun. The line of dirty cars had dwindled as the afternoon went on, and now everybody was just kicking back, enjoying the food and festivities as music rang out over the bay. “It’s actually been kind of fun.”

Mackenzie hooted. “Famous last words.”

Noah found himself searching out Evie in the crowd. There she was, over by the main doors, chatting to Stella and Aidan; her face lit up as she laughed so hard at a joke she almost spilled her drink. Her hair was already tumbling out of its ponytail, and she couldn’t help moving her hips in time with the music.

She took his breath away.

“So you’ll be sticking around to plan the Starbright Festival this Christmas, then?” Mackenzie asked pointedly. “With a little help, maybe?”

Noah smiled. “Real subtle,” he teased, moving towards the grill to grab another burger. Mackenzie followed.

“It’s just nice to see you so settled, that’s all.” She grinned. “And I know I’m not the type to say ‘I told you so,’ but—”

“Ha!” Noah snorted, loading up his bun with relish and ketchup. “Since when?”

“Since now,” Mackenzie said airily. “It doesn’t matter that I was right all along about you and Evie, I’m just happy that you’re happy.”

“Is that so? You’re not just a tiny bit smug, too?” Noah took a bite and waited, amused. His cousin had never once taken the high road, and he wasn’t expecting her to start now. Sure enough, Mackenzie burst out laughing.

“Fine!” she exploded. “I totally told you so! And if I hadn’t bugged you into asking her out, none of this would have happened,” she added. “You can thank me now, in the form of ice cream, if you want.”

Noah shook his head, smiling. “Thank you,” he said, and he did actually mean it. He’d needed a kick up the pants to take that step, but looking back now, he couldn’t imagine it going any other way.

If he’d never agreed to do that favor for Debra … if he hadn’t needed rescuing from Marisa that night …

If he hadn’t taken a chance and found the strength to open up about his past.

“It’s not just a fling, is it?” Mackenzie asked, bringing him back to reality. She was looking at him quizzically. “You’re really serious about her.”

Noah couldn’t deny it. “I … told her about what happened,” he said quietly. “With Caitlin.”

Mackenzie’s eyes widened. “Wow. That’s a big step. You barely even talk to me about that.”

“She understands,” he said simply, filled with peace all over again. Sharing the darkest parts of his soul hadn’t been easy, but now that he’d said the words out loud and there were no secrets between them …

Noah never believed he could feel at ease like this again. The guilt and shame had lifted, somehow, and he felt ready to finally put the past behind him.

Ready to love again.

“I’m so happy for you,” Mackenzie said, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “And not just because my mom and Aunt Gayle will stop bugging me about having kids and turn the force of their nagging onto you instead.”

Noah grinned. “Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad,” he said, his eyes drawn to Evie again as if by gravity.

Marriage, kids … they didn’t seem like impossible dreams anymore.

His thoughts must have shown on his face, because Mackenzie gaped at him. “Noah!” she gasped.

“Not now!” he said hurriedly, trying to cover. “Down the road, I mean. And if you dare breathe a word that I just said that,” he added, warning her. Copyright 2016 - 2024