Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,65

all, it’s for a good cause …,” she added.

He sighed. “OK, OK. I’ll do my duty.”

“And I’ll go get the video camera,” she joked.

He headed over to join the rest of the crew with the squeegees, and Evie strolled to go grab a cold drink. Along with the guys grilling up burgers and hot dogs, there was a lemonade stand, cold beers, and even a cart from the local ice cream place. Evie paused. She could never resist a strawberry cone.

“Do it,” Stella said, appearing beside her in line. “Then I’ll feel better about my second chocolate sundae of the day.”

“Won’t the chocolate make you feel better all on its own?”

Stella laughed. “Good point.”

They got their ice cream and went to join the group that had taken over one of the picnic tables in the shade. Cooper and Griffin were keeping the little kids busy while Poppy, Mac, and Cassie were cooing over Paige’s newborn.

“He’s so teeny-tiny, I want to eat him up,” Cassie was saying.

“Maybe stick to the hotdogs,” Paige said, looking radiant—and exhausted. “But if you want to borrow Arthur for an afternoon … or a week, please, be my guest.”

Poppy winced. “The first few months are tough, I know,” she said, sympathetic. “But it’s worth it, I promise.”

“I’m going to choose to believe you,” Paige said with a smile. “Or maybe that’s just the sleep deprivation talking!”

“Ooh, that reminds me,” Stella said, turning to Evie. “When does the Beachcomber open for business?”

“Bad sleep reminds you of the inn?” Evie joked, licking her ice cream. “I’m going to need to work on my marketing.”

They all laughed. “No, I’m trying to keep the peace and quiet,” Stella said. “Luke and Natalie are thinking about having their wedding in the summer. Just a small event, but we have Kinsellas coming from all over, and if I don’t find someplace for them to stay, we’re going to draw the short straw and have everyone bedding down with us.”

“Or us,” Cassie spoke up. “Please say you have the space!”

Evie smiled, delighted at the prospective bookings. “Of course! I’d love to have them. Let me know the dates and how many rooms, and I’ll block out the weekend.”

“Better make it a week,” Stella said.

“Even better!”

Poppy looked up from her burger. “Since we’re booking you up now, any chance of some rooms next month? I have a new book releasing, and my agents and some friends are coming into town to celebrate.”

“Hang on,” Evie pulled out her phone and began making notes. “Let me keep up!”

Poppy laughed. “There you were, thinking you would get booked up with tourists, and instead, we’re the ones snatching up all your rooms.”

“Please, snatch away,” Evie said fervently. “I’m happy to have the business. I’ve been focused so much on actually getting the inn ready it’s only just starting to occur to me that I need bodies to fill every newly renovated room!”

“I wouldn’t worry about that,” Mackenzie reassured her, smiling. “We’ve got the Spring Fling Literary Festival kicking off next week, plus all the Memorial Day festivities—”

“ClamFest,” Poppy pitched in.

“JamFest,” Cassie added.

“CranFest,” Stella said.

Evie burst out laughing. “Now you’re just making things up,” she exclaimed. But they shook their heads.

“Believe me, you won’t be wanting for tourists,” Mackenzie said, grinning. “How do you think I sell so many damn sailboat salad bowls?”

Suddenly, Poppy looked past them and laughed. “Now the party’s getting started!”

Evie turned to see Noah and a couple of the other guys stripping off their wet T-shirts and washing the cars, bare-chested.

Mackenzie put two fingers between her lips and let out a piercing whistle. “That’s right!” she hollered over to Jake. “Show me what you’re working with!”

Jake struck a macho pose, smirking, and squeezed one of the sudsy sponges over his chest like something out of a bad porno movie.

“He’s all mine, ladies,” Mackenzie laughed. “All mine.”

And Noah was hers.

The thought slipped, unbidden into Evie’s mind. She blushed. It was way too early to be thinking like that, she scolded herself. But still, watching him smile and joke with the other guys, she couldn’t deny the butterflies in her stomach—or that she felt a warm glow, knowing she would be spending the night wrapped up in his arms.

Maybe it was exactly where she belonged.

Noah was having a great time. The fundraiser was a massive success, everyone was enjoying themselves, and Evie was wearing a pair of denim cutoffs that just about drove him to distraction.

“You know, if this whole ‘firefighter’ thing gets boring, you’ve got a Copyright 2016 - 2024