Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,47

softly she had to bite her lip from crying out in frustration.

And then he moved lower.

Evie gasped as Noah dropped to his knees in front of her, easing her dress higher inch by tantalizing inch as he kissed his way up the inside of her thighs. She leaned back, bracing herself against the desk as he slipped her panties down, his tongue roving higher … higher—


Evie cried out as he licked against her. Noah paused, shooting her a look so smoldering it just about melted what was left of her brain. It was all she could do just to squeeze her eyes shut and hang on for dear life, lost in the exquisite torment as he teased and lapped and probed, driving her to heaven and back until, at last, she couldn’t keep control any longer.

It was too much. It was too good.

Evie came apart with a cry, clutching at his shoulders to keep her balance, even as her whole world tilted off its axis with the rush of pure pleasure that crashed through her.

Oh. My. God.

When she could function enough to open her eyes again, Evie found Noah leaning against a bookcase, watching her. She gulped for air, giddy and breathless with what they’d just done. What she’d done. In a dusty closet.

Evie couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Noah arched an eyebrow, quizzical. “That’s not exactly the reaction I was hoping for,” he said, looking amused.

Evie grinned. It was too late to be self-conscious now, what with her dress pushed up around her waist and her panties in a lacy heap on the floor. “I think I made my reaction pretty clear,” she said, beaming at him. She felt alive, adrenaline coursing through her entire body.

She felt spectacular.

“I was just thinking,” she continued, “that I have seven empty bedrooms in this place, and we wound up in here.”

Noah gave a wicked grin. “Well, let’s go test out those new mattresses of yours.”

He reached for the linens she’d abandoned on the floor, but Evie stopped him. “You won’t be needing that,” she said, taking his hand. “My room is all set up.”

Evie had never felt like a temptress before. Other women could seduce and smolder with a single look, but she just wasn’t a sex bomb kind of girl. Men never seemed to look at her that way, and it always felt too embarrassing to try and dress herself up in lingerie or put on a show to change their minds.

But as she led Noah up the stairs, Evie felt a rush of power—of freedom—like nothing she had known before. The way he was looking at her …

It was like she was the center of the universe. The only thing that mattered in his world.

The feeling was intoxicating, and it filled her with a new kind of confidence. She let her hips sway and glanced back over her shoulder to send him a flirty look from beneath her lashes as she made her way to her bedroom. And despite the fact that she didn’t have a bed frame or furniture—that there was a flimsy sheet in place of curtains over the window—none of it seemed to matter.

Not when Noah was there, reaching for another kiss.

Evie melted into his arms. The rest of their clothes fell away, and they tumbled back onto the bed in a tangle of hot mouths and searching hands. She was swept up in the heat and raw, physical need. It felt like her body had been asleep until now—she hadn’t known what it could be like to want someone like this, savoring every hot slide of his body, reaching hungrily to touch and feast on every inch.

It had never been like this before.

Evie blinked. Even in the rush of desire, she felt a flicker of disloyalty. Glen had been the one man whose body she’d learned by heart. The one man who’d known her every gasp and moan.

The one she’d thought would be her last.

But now, there was someone else in his place. Another man kissing hotly down her spine. New hands teasing her body into a wildfire, unfamiliar groans echoing out into the night. A different kind of desire taking her over.

Hotter. Wilder.


The guilt struck hard, but Evie pushed it down, losing herself in Noah and another blazing kiss. She kissed him hard enough to blot out the past, deep enough to forget her secret shame, and soon, there was nothing but the solid weight of his body surging against her and the sharp ache Copyright 2016 - 2024