Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,46

it cool ever since their dinner was interrupted, and instead of taking the hint, she’d doubled down to torment herself even more.

She took a deep breath, trying to corral her raging hormones. “Let me get you set up,” she said brightly, heading down the hall. “You can have your pick of the bedrooms: the mattress delivery came this morning, and I have the linens in here—” She swung open the door to the massive closet under the stairs and paused. “Somewhere.”

Behind her, Noah gave a whistle. Evie didn’t blame him: there were boxes and packages stacked on every surface. “Do you have a secret hoarding problem I should know about?” he asked, edging his way into the room after her.

Evie smiled. “I’ve been ordering stuff for weeks,” she explained, squeezing past some boxes. “I didn’t want anything to get dirty from the construction, so I just threw it all in here. Aha!” she exclaimed, spotting a package of bed linens. “And I know there are some pillows around here somewhere …” She searched for a moment before spying them balanced on the top of a shelf. She made to climb up on a chair, but Noah put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.

“Do I need to remind you about your shaky record with climbing up things?” he asked, looking amused. “Let me.” He reached up over her head to get them, and for a moment, Evie was encircled in the arc of his arms, pressed against his body, close enough to feel the heat radiating from him.

Close enough to kiss.

Her breath caught, her blood rising fast. And maybe her desire was written all over her face, because when Noah glanced down at her, their gazes caught. His eyes seemed to darken with a new intensity. Evie looked away—but not quickly enough to hide the way her body was aching for him.

Noah stepped forward, took her face between both hands, and kissed her.

Just like that.

Evie melted against him, tumbling headlong into the rush of pure sensation.


She’d spent the afternoon wound tight, simmering, burning for him, and now, God, there was nothing but pure, sweet relief: the press of his mouth against hers, the scent of him, clouding everything, the taut planes of his body, his arms, pulling her closer, until there was no space between them. No space to think, or breathe, or do anything but drown in the thrill of it.

In him.

She wound her arms around his neck, reveling in every sensation. If their kiss the other night had been impulsive and reckless, this was something far more dangerous: a slow, sensual brush of his mouth, his tongue sliding deep between her lips as his hands caressed her face, making every nerve in her body spark to life in a shimmering, technicolor rush. He took his time, kissing her like he was discovering a foreign territory, laying claim to every inch.

Evie gasped for air. She wanted all of him, now. Their sensual exploration turned hotter. Urgent. Her fingers tangled in his hair, roving over his shoulders as Noah crushed her closer, his hands just as wild—

“Wait—” He dragged himself away, breathing hard. “Is this OK?” he asked, searching her face. “I don’t want to rush you.”

Evie’s head was still spinning from his touch. “Is that why you didn’t kiss me at dinner?” she asked, feeling breathless.

“Dinner … the inn … the moment I picked you up today,” he said with a wry grin. “I’ve been wanting you all day.”

“Oh, thank God,” Evie exclaimed in relief. “I thought I was the only one losing my mind here.”

“No,” Noah replied, closing the distance between them again. “I’m right there with you, sweetheart.”

This time, when he kissed her, there was no holding back. It was all fire and hot, sweet passion, and Evie couldn’t get enough. He wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting her up onto the desk, and Evie let out a moan. She wrapped her legs around him, arching closer as she hungrily kissed along his jaw … the curve of his neck … the small dip of his collarbone … until Noah pulled her back to meet his lips, kissing her so deeply she saw stars. He peeled her dress away, his hands skimming her body until every inch of her felt like a live wire, crackling with electricity. He teased her breasts through the thin lace of her bra, bringing her nipples to stiff, aching peaks before bending his head and licking them so Copyright 2016 - 2024