Forever Peace - Joe Haldeman Page 0,67

news distillation for people who could read without moving their lips.

Costa Rica was quiet today; fighting in Lagos, Ecuador, Rangoon, Magreb. The Geneva peace talks continued their elaborate charade.

It had rained frogs in Texas. They actually had amateur footage of that. Then a zoologist explained how it was all just an illusion caused by sudden local flooding. Nah. Secret Ngumi weapon; they’ll go hopping all over the country and then suddenly explode, releasing poison frog gas. I’m a scientist; I know these things.

There was a consumer “demonstration” in Mexico City, which would have been called a riot if it had happened in enemy territory. Someone had gotten hold of the three-hundred-page manifest that detailed what was actually created last month with their “most favored nation” nanoforges. To everyone’s surprise, most of it had been used to make luxuries for the rich. That was not what the public record had said.

Closer to home, Amnesty International was trying to subpoena the strings recording the activities of a 12th Division hunter/killer platoon that had been accused of torture, in an operation in rural Bolivia. Of course it was all pro forma; the request was going to be held up by technicalities until the heat death of the universe. Or until the crystals could be destroyed and convincing fakes synthesized. Everybody, including Amnesty International, knew that there were “black” operations whose existence was not even recorded at the division level.

A potential terrorist had been stopped at the Brooklyn Bridge customs point and summarily executed. As usual, no details were available.

Disney revealed plans for a Disneyworld in low Earth orbit, first launch scheduled to go up in twelve months. Peter pointed out that that was significant because of the inside information it implied. The area around the half-completed Chimborazo spaceport had been “pacified” for more than a year. Disney wouldn’t start building if they hadn’t had a guarantee that there would be a way of getting customers up there. So we were going to have routine civilian spaceflight again.

Amelia and I had shared a bottle of wine with dinner. I declared that I wanted to get a few hours’ sleep before I pasted a new patch, and Amelia said she’d join me.

I was lying under the covers, wide awake, when she finished in the bathroom and slid in next to me. She held herself still for a moment, not touching.

“I’m sorry you saw us,” she said.

“Well, it’s always been part of our arrangement. The freedom.”

“I didn’t say I was sorry I did it.” She turned on her side, facing me in the darkness. “Though maybe I am. I said I was sorry you saw us.”

That was reasonable. “Has it always been like this, then? Other men?”

“Do you really want me to answer that? You’ll have to answer the same question.”

“That’s easy. One woman, one time, today.”

She put her palm on my chest. “I’m sorry. Now I feel like a real shit.” She stroked me with her thumb, over my heart. “It’s only been Peter, and only since you . . . you took the pills. I just, I don’t know. I just couldn’t stand it.”

“You didn’t tell him why.”

“No, as I said. He just thought you were sick. He’s not the kind of man to press for details.”

“But he is the kind of man to press . . . for other things.”

“Come on.” She scrunched over so her body was long against my side. “Most unattached men constantly radiate their availability. He didn’t have to ask. I think all I did was put a hand on his shoulder.”

“And then surrender to the inevitable.”

“I suppose. If you want me to ask for your forgiveness, I’m asking.”

“No. Do you love him?”

“What? Peter? No.”

“Case closed, then.” I rolled over on my side to embrace her and then tipped her onto her back, pressing against her lightly. “Let’s make some noise.”

I was able to start, but not finish; I wilted inside of her. When I tried to continue with my hand, she said no, let’s just sleep. I couldn’t.

* * *

the case was not closed, of course. The encounter with Zoë kept coming back to him, resonating with all the complicated emotions he still felt for Carolyn, dead more than three years. Sex with Amelia was as different as a snack is from a feast. If he wanted a feast every day, there were thousands of jills in Portobello and Texas who would be more than willing. He wasn’t that hungry.

And although he appreciated Amelia’s directness, he wasn’t sure Copyright 2016 - 2024