Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,71

Nowhere near the brothers’ bedrooms.

Any brother awake who gives two shits will see me making my way to her, but at this point, I don’t care. As has become the norm, I have no value for my life over hers. I need to make things right. I’d been too tied up while I was gone to give her a call.

As I drag my tired body toward the clubhouse, I pull out my phone with the intention to send Eva a text to let her know we need to talk. I curse under my breath. It’s nearly five in the morning. I rode hard to get here as soon as I could, but it’s still the middle of the night.

“I should probably mind my own business,” I hear someone say, causing me to look up.

I grin when I find Misty looking back at me. Misty is one gorgeous girl. She and Eva have always been able to find trouble with their looks. Only difference is, Misty knows what she’s working with and will intentionally bring a man to his knees without batting a lash.

“Is that right?” I murmur.

“You and I both know it is. I’m just making things worse for myself. He hasn’t told Mix, yet. I know he’s still struggling with the age thing. This thing with you and Eva is going to set us all back.” She frowns.

“I take it she told you.” I lift a brow at her.

Misty nods. “We’re best friends. We tell each other everything.”

“Really?” I ask and watch for her reaction.

I know this not to be a fact. Misty’s face falls as she looks down at the ground. She begins playing with the hem of the oversized T-shirt she has on. I make a mental note of who the T-shirt most likely belongs to.

“I want to tell her. I will soon. With everything going on, it’s not like I’ll be able to hide things for much longer,” Misty says quietly.

I nod in understanding. “What are you doing out here anyway?” I ask.

“Waiting on you.” She shrugs her little shoulders. “Besides, I needed the fresh air.”

“What can I do for you?” I say tiredly as I prop a shoulder against the side of the clubhouse.

“Actually, it’s what I can do for you.” She perks up again. She reaches under her oversized shirt into her shorts pocket and holds out her hand. Dangling from her fingers is a key, on a heart shaped keychain.

I tilt my head and eye the key. “It’s the key to her room. She always keeps it locked. I have a feeling she’s in her feelings about something that can be explained. Eva doesn’t know how gorgeous she is. She doesn’t get that someone like you could want her.” Her voice sounds sad as she speaks of her friend.

“She let you in. That’s big. I know she’s had a crush on you for forever. She tried to hide it, but I know her too well. Don’t make me regret this, Brick. You two are going to make my life hell, but I think it’ll be worth it in the end.”

I reach for the key and push off the wall. “Thanks, and for what it’s worth. She means the world to me. Your shit will work out too. He’s stubborn, but he cares about you. He’s not going to let anything get in the way of that,” I offer.

“Yeah, I know. Things are intense around here. I can feel it all coming to a head. Something big is brewing and it’s going to take us all for a ride.” She sighs.

“We’ll handle it just fine. We live for the ride.” I chuckle and wrap an arm around her shoulder to lead her into the clubhouse.

She shouldn’t have been sitting out here alone in the first place. I note the prospects patrolling the perimeters, but Misty is best safe inside. I welcome the warmth of the clubhouse as we step in.

One thing is on my mind as I see the clear path to the hall leading to Eva’s room. My woman, Eva. I’m finally going to get to make this right.


I can feel him all over me. His heat, his hands, his mouth, there isn’t a place left unconsumed by him. It feels so real. My heartache is forgotten as I get lost in his touch.

Right here, right now, all is forgotten and forgiven. The last three days of mourning are a thing of the past. All I want, all I need is him. I Copyright 2016 - 2024