Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,67

my best friend.

King is a gorgeous man. Those blue eyes and his blond dreadlocks have most of the women around here drooling and lusting after him. On the rare occasion that you get a smile from King, it’s breathtaking. I’ve just never seen him as more than my big brother.

“Um, Eva and I wanted something quick,” Misty says nervously.

I wrinkle my brows as King’s head shoots up in my direction. Misty is usually anything but nervous around King or anyone else. She’s known for her sassy and feisty personality.

King looks back at the table as he takes a step away from Misty. “You little shits were in my cabinet.” The smile on his lips tells me he could care less. He reaches for one of the candy bars Misty stole and opens it.

“Hey, that was mine,” Misty pouts.

“No, it was mine and you stole it,” he grunts around a mouthful of candy.

“I was going to have Spider replace it,” she grumbles.

King laughs, but he’s distracted by his ringing phone. He frowns down at it and his face darkens. “I gotta handle this. Eat some real food, Misty,” he commands before he turns to leave.

I sit and pour milk over my cereal. “What’s that about?” I ask.

King is just as protective of Misty as he is of Sal and me. However, there was something different in that last command he gave. Something a little possessive, I guess you could say.

“What?” she asks around a spoonful of ice cream.

“Why is he up your butt?” I ask with a lift of my shoulders.

“I haven’t been feeling good since I arrived. I guess he’s checking up on me.” She shrugs back.

“Yeah, by the way. I’m so sorry I bailed on you,” I say, feeling like crap again for totally failing as a friend.

Misty gets that weird look on her face again. For the second time, I know she’s keeping something from me. I decide to pry this time.

“Hey, did like something happen? You know with you and that guy? His friend was a jerk, by the way,” I say as I watch her.

She started acting strange around the time I went out on that date. Honestly, now that I’m thinking about it, it may have been way before then. Misty had been acting out of character for a couple of months. First, she was all dreamy eyed. Then, she was sort of nervous all the time.

“Who, Jeff?” She waves a hand at me. “I blocked his calls and deleted him weeks ago. I think I’m going to head to bed. I probably ate too much junk. I’ll see you in the morning.”

With that, she slides off her stool and gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek. She’s gone before I can ask any more questions or think about what’s really going on with her. I’m left with my bowl of cereal and my own thoughts.

Chapter 24

Pay Up


“Good evening, Mr. Mason,” the bouncer says as I move to the entrance of the club.

I nod and grunt.

Exhausted is beyond what I am right now. I’m annoyed, tired as fuck, and I miss my woman. I didn’t know I could miss someone this much. It’s been three days since I left Eva at the clubhouse pissed off.

So far, I have shit. No one knows anything. For the most part, I think that’s true. Just one person has me believing otherwise. That’s why I haven’t returned home.

Something stinks in the Mayor’s home. Not the Mayor in South Carolina, no, his ass was clueless, and I believe it. The Mayor of Georgia is the one I’m finding an issue with. The more I think about it the more I know his ass is up to something.

Mayor Finch has been in for quite a grip with the club for about a year now. He knows King is going to come knocking for that bread sooner than later. Helping someone bring down the club would be in his favor.

Finch has no morals and he’s a sniveling piece of shit. I also know one important fact about that motherfucker. Finch has a nasty tell. When he lies, his right brow twitches.

That shit was a twitching mess last night, when I paid him a visit. That’s why I’m on my way to see a friend. Clayton Hennessy may not be a brother of the Lost Souls, but he’s like a brother to me. We met in college as roommates. Clayton helped me smooth out my rough edges to get through the Copyright 2016 - 2024