Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,66

open the cabinet to get to what I’m looking for.

Misty lets out a long slow whistle when she sees what I pull out. “You’re trying to make him kill you. Not the Cookie Crisp.” She giggles.

“He’ll get over it. I mean, he wouldn’t have given me and Sal a key if he didn’t really want us to eat his shit.” I laugh.

“Yeah, but he grumbles about it every time. Hey, are there any candy bars in there?” she asks and moves closer to look over my shoulder.

I laugh and reach in to grab one. She shoves me out of the way and takes three. I frown at her and place my hand on my hip. “Look who’s talking about trying to make him kill you. What’s up with all the junk food. Weren’t you just talking about going on a diet?”

Misty snorts. “As if he…” She trails off and gets a funny look on her face. “Spider is going on a food run in the morning. I’ll have him replace them.”

“Whatever.” I laugh and close the cabinet back and lock it. “I don’t know who has a worse sweet tooth, you or King. I swear you two shouldn’t even have teeth left in your heads.”

“Remember that time he was so sick he was flat on his ass in bed for like a week?” Misty asks with a twinkle in her eyes. “I brought him a bag full of candy bars and ended up as sick as he was ‘cause I tried to keep up with him eating the stupid things.”

We both burst into laughter as we exit the pantry and sit on the stools at the metal prep table in the kitchen. Misty tears into a candy bar and goes back to devouring the ice cream she was eating when I arrived.

I lift a brow and shake my head. It must be that time of the month. I smile as she closes her eyes and moans while she eats a mouthful of ice cream and candy bar.

“So, Brick,” Misty says as she reopens her eyes.

I huff and narrow my gaze on her. “Misty,” I warn.

“No, Eva, wait. I know you, and you always miss what’s going on around you if it’s not in a book or a drawing.” She puckers her lips in thought. “I hope you’re not letting something slip by that—”

“That what, Misty?” I cut her off. “That can never be? You’re right, King would lose his ever-loving mind and then what? Besides, I told you. I misread things. I mean, look at his ex-wife. I’m clearly not his type.”

She drops her candy bar into her ice cream. “I will never understand how you don’t see how gorgeous you are. You’re hot, young, and smart as shit. Why wouldn’t he want you? Mags is as dumb as a bag of rocks and she’s trifling.”

“How do you know so much about her?” I mumble.

Misty frowns and twists her lips in disdain. She turns back to her ice cream. “I pay attention.” She shrugs.

“Well, if you pay attention, then you already know he has moved on. I haven’t seen him since we arrived,” I mutter.

“That’s because he’s been gone since you guys arrived. King had him head right back out,” she says and points her spoon at me.

I’m a little thrown and hopeful with this new information. Maybe Brick would have apologized, at least if he were around. I’d like to think our time meant enough for him to at least say he’s sorry for using me.

“How do you know King sent him out?” I ask to distract my thoughts.

“I told you, I pay attention,” she says and shifts on her stool.

I start to pay attention. My best friend is hiding something from me. I watch her right as her phone buzzes on the tabletop. Her whole face lights up as she looks down at it.

“Is that your latest boy toy?” I ask as I watch her.

Misty tries to reel in her smile. “I guess you can say that.” She smiles.

I reach for one of the bowls stacked in the center of the table and fill it up with cereal. I groan inwardly as I realize I’ve forgotten the milk. I slide off my stool and head to the refrigerator.

I hear someone else enter the kitchen as I rummage through the shelves. I stop and smile as I recognize the voice. I grab the milk and spin to close the door.

“That’s not food, Misty,” King growls as he towers over Copyright 2016 - 2024