A Forever Kind of Love - Ellie Wade Page 0,47

to her ankles, causing an effect that is both innocently beautiful and intriguingly sexy.

We’re on the deck of an upscale Italian restaurant. Our rehearsal dinner was originally scheduled to be inside the restaurant in the banquet room. However, when Stella saw the forecast, she insisted on having it outside. She made the right call.

I look to the area beyond the deck. Past the outdoor patio is a small hill of lush green grass that ends at a winding stream. Countless trees line the banks, all aglow with colorful bursts of autumn-tinted foliage. It is the backdrop of a work of art, and Stella is the focus.

She’s talking with her two bridesmaids, Dena and Jaime. The three of them have been best friends since grade school.

I can’t stop staring at Stella. I’m in awe of the way she lights up the space with her laughter. I look to her friends, who are laughing alongside her, and I feel a pang of guilt that they don’t know. Besides her parents and me, no one here knows. She insists that it be this way, and it’s her call. I understand. I really do. She wants a normal day filled with people who are here to celebrate our marriage, not pity her because of her impending death. I get it. It just sucks…along with everything else tainted by her cancer.

“Here you go.” Ben hands me a glass of beer.


Ben and Landon are my groomsmen. Ben took the real-world working route after college, like me, opposed to the NFL route that Jerome and Josh took. The two of them aren’t able to make it back for my wedding due to their football commitments.

“So, you ready for the big day tomorrow?”

I inadvertently sigh. “Yep.” I suppose I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

“It’s kinda crazy how life turns out, isn’t it?” he asks.

I regard him in question. “How’s that?”

“I don’t know. I never thought we’d be here, you know? I mean, I’m happy for you and all. Don’t take it the wrong way. I just…” He pauses. “I didn’t see this in your future. Life is crazy like that.”

I nod. “It sure is. I hear ya.”

Landon stands at our table, raising his beer glass in the air. “So, cheers to my baby brother. From the moment he was born, he’s been perfect at everything he’s tried. He is the best brother and friend a guy could ask for. I’m happy to see his history of perfection hasn’t been tarnished because he’s chosen a perfect woman to be his wife, and I’m grateful to be a part of the big day tomorrow. I’d like to wish you both a lifetime of happiness. Cheers!”

Our small gathering of family and close friends in the wedding party say, “Cheers,” in unison.

Dinner is delicious, and everything goes smoothly. I’m sure that most of the people here didn’t think twice about the way in which the evening played out, but I did. I know that even our casual rehearsal dinner was expertly organized and planned by Stella. She had her input in everything from the soft music that has been playing in the background all evening to the type and amount of candles on each table.

Ben is sitting across the table, adamantly telling the story of his pursuit of the secretary at work who isn’t giving him the time of day.

With a huge grin on my face, I glance to my side to look at Stella. My smile fades when I see her wince. Leaning in, I whisper, “Do you have a headache?”

“Yeah, it just came on.”

Stella has started to get a couple of headaches a week, and when they come, they’re intense. I can always tell when she is having one by the look on her face.

I reach down and discreetly pull out the prescription pain pills that she has tucked away in the side pocket of her purse. I slide them into her hand, and she takes them with a glass of water.

She leans over. “Can you take me home, Jax?”

“Of course.”

I nod to Mr. and Mrs. Grant, who are also sitting at our table. They know immediately what is going on.

Mrs. Grant accompanies Stella to our car while Mr. Grant and I attempt to casually say our good-byes and thank everyone for coming.

When I get to the car, I find Stella buckled into the passenger seat. Her eyes are closed as she rests her head back against the seat. Kneeling down next to her, Mrs. Grant gently runs her

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