A Forever Kind of Love - Ellie Wade Page 0,10

making zero sense, my friend. Whatever you do, don’t call her now.”

I nod my head in agreement. “I would never do it over the phone.”

“I have a feeling you would never do it, period. And why would you? You love Lily.”

“I know. Don’t you see? That’s why. It’s because I love her.”

“Are you for real? ’Cause I’m really not following if you are.”

“I’m fucking it all up, Ben. Fucking it up. I’m a shitty excuse for a boyfriend. I’m sucking at football and school. I can’t do it all.”

“Dude, you’re cut off. Drinking has turned you into a fucking crybaby. You’re fucking brilliant at all that shit, and you’re more in love than any normal twenty-one-year-old dude should be. You’re fine.” He chuckles before taking a swig of his beer. He turns back to me. “Seriously, cut off.”

I pull out my phone to text Lily.

“What are you doing?” Ben asks.

“I just want to text her.”

“Don’t do anything stupid,” he warns.

“I won’t.”

Me: Little Love.

Little: Hey!

Me: Did I wake you?

Little: No. Just got back from the bar with the roomies.

Me: Oh, good. I’m actually at the bar now.

Little: I’m glad you went out! You needed a little break. ;-)

Me: Miss you.

Little: Me, too.

Me: Give me a question.

Little: Hmm…okay. Would you rather pinch a police officer’s butt or dine and dash?

Me: LOL…random.

Little: Well, we’ve been doing this for fifteen years. It’s hard to come up with new material!

Me: A male or female officer?

Little: Male.

Me: I’d grab his ass.

Little: Really? LOL.

Me: Sure. Dining and dashing is just mean. And I’m sure once I flashed my smile at the officer, he’d forgive me. ;-)

Little: Or you’d go to jail.

Me: Maybe, but I doubt it.

Me: So, would you rather take an amazing year-long trip around the world, knowing that you’d die at the end of the year, or would you rather live a long life but never get to leave your town?

Little: Long life, hands down.

Me: Without any adventure?

Little: Life in itself is an adventure. It doesn’t have to be extravagant to be meaningful. Some of the greatest moments in my life have been in my backyard under a tree. Plus, I’ll always take the option that keeps me with you longer.

Me: Yeah.

Okay, this game is now depressing me.

Me: Gotta go.

Little: All right. Be safe. Love you so much.

Me: Love you more. Always.

I put my phone in my pocket.

“How’s Lil?” Ben asks.


“Ready for that breakup?” He smirks.

“Shut it. I’m ready for another drink.”

I’m sitting on the couch, freshly showered, in my running pants and a T-shirt, ready to relax for the rest of the evening. We had a more grueling practice than usual tonight in preparation for tomorrow. The guys have some new action movie playing on the TV. I watch with feigned interest.

My phone vibrates, and I look to see my dad’s name on the screen. I know he wants to talk strategy for tomorrow’s game against Michigan State. I ignore his call. He’s the last person I want to talk to.

A knock sounds from the door.

“I’ll get it,” I offer as I hop off of the couch and make my way to the door. Swinging it open, I’m momentarily speechless when I see Lily.

It seems like time halts as I stand there, staring at her. I take her in, and the mere sight of her floods me with a strong sense of peace. She’s always had that effect on me. Everything is better when Lily is present.

She throws herself into my arms. I catch her, lifting her body off the floor. She wraps her legs around my middle.

I hold her close, breathing her in. It feels so right, having her in my arms. We fit together perfectly. We always have. She’s my other half. All my anxieties fade, and I’m left with nothing but all-consuming love surrounding me.

Finally able to speak, I ask, “Little Love, what are you doing here? I’m so happy to see you. I couldn’t be happier, but what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to surprise you,” she mumbles into my neck, squeezing me tight.

She releases her legs from around my waist and lowers herself to the ground.

I run my hands through my hair. “Well, you definitely did. How long will you be here?”

“Until Sunday. Is that okay?”

“Of course. Yes, of course,” I say before pulling her lips against mine.

She pulls away and smiles shyly. She introduces me to her roommates, and I invite them in and proceed to introduce them to the guys. Jess starts talking football with Jerome right

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